News from around the School

TRANSITION - completed for our 2020 Kinder class!


Please see attached the letter that was sent home on the 22nd of November with Transition students.

The note outlines the process for booking your child's Best Start Interview for Week 1 Term 1 2020.


Beach to Bush program


Here we are enjoying a variety of handwriting skills and using the new plastic sleeves Mrs B. We were practising the correct formation of the letter Aa, consolidating this skill with writing words using the different “a, ai,ay, a-e” sounds and developing fine motor control with using a pincer grip to thread beads whilst following a pattern.  

Year 1 & 2 Sock Puppets!

Yr 1/2 have been looking at procedural texts. After reading a procedure text we made some sock puppets.

Farewell to Peta - NECOM


A group of country kids at St John's Parish School in Trangie,  were struggling to find the perfect way to help out in the drought...until now! They have thrown out a challenge to all students across NSW to have a dance off and #bustthedust. On Friday 13th December, we will joining in their rain dance. We will come together, just before lunch, to bust a move and help  #bustthedust. What better way to lift the spirits of people in need while this drought heads into the festive season, than with a rain dance to cheer up those doing it tough!