From the Principal

A heartwarming story of a generous donation of water.

Irish Sydney-sider Peter McMahon saw the grim reality of the drought and wanted to do something. He organised a convoy of more than 90 Irish truckers to bring 900,000 litres of water to the region's farmers & firefighters. Bottles of water have been distributed to two places in Walcha for families who are without water - Elders & Walcha Vet Supplies.   All you have to do is call in to these businesses to collect the water.  THANK YOU PETER!

St Patrick's School - POSITION VACANT 2020 Classroom Teacher Temp 0.80

The closing date is 2/12/2019.

Mrs Susan Bowden - Farewell

Mrs Bowden has advised me that she will be moving to Port Macquarie in 2020. I know you will join me in thanking Mrs Bowden for her wonderful work as an Educational Assistant and Office Assistant at St Patrick's and wish her all the best for the future.  The children and staff will certainly miss Mrs Bowden at St Pat's. The school will farewell Mrs Bowden at the end of Year Performance & Presentation Evening.

Movie Day - 16th December

On Monday the 16th December the whole school will travel to Armidale to watch the movie, 'The Queen's Corgi' (Comedy/Animation). This is our end of year celebration/activity.

The cost of the bus & movie will be covered by the school as a drought & fire wellbeing gift to the children & our families. A permission note will be sent home next week with details of the excursion.

Afternoon Pick Up Procedures

Parents can I please ask that you advise the school office of any changes to pick up arrangements for your child. Especially if your child is being picked up after school by an adult that is not mum or dad. This includes changes to walking or being collected in a vehicle after school. Thank you for assisting staff in their duty of care of the children. 

Music 2020

NECOM is considering the opportunity to offer individual lessons for students in Year 5 or 6 in 2020 who have a woodwind instrument. Watch this space for further information on 2020 private woodwind instrument lessons from the NECOM music teacher!

End of Year Performance & Presentation Evening

This year we will have  a whole school Creative Arts production,

"The Star" on 11th December, at 6pm in the Anglican Hall. 

The students are busy practising for the performance and it is shaping up to be a great presentation of talent from our school! 

Following the performance we will have the 2019 Presentation of Awards and Graduation Certificates  for Year 6.

Thank you parents for organising  the costumes required for the performance.

Friday 6th December - Speeches for 2020 Student Leadership Positions

Mrs Walters is working with the senior students on their speeches for Friday the 6th December.

Student leaders for 2020 will be announced at the end of Year Performance & Presentation Evening - 11th December.

P & F Executive Positions 

P & F President - Vanessa Arundale

Vice-President - Lisa Patterson-Kane

Secretary - Chloe Hoy 

Treasurer - Vacant

Canteen Coordinators - Liz Turner & Chloe Hoy

Thank you Lisa who has accepted the nomination for Vice-President for 2020.

P & F Wine Drive

Thank you to Lisa Patterson-Kane for organising the Wine Fundraiser.

I am looking forward to Celebrating Christmas with family and friends and toasting all of our achievements  & the things we are grateful for in 2019.

Please make sure your orders are returned to school by - 4th December (Order form on the following page).

SAC AGM - Tuesday 26th.

On Tuesday we held the final School Advisory Council (SAC) AGM and meeting for 2019.

I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank  the wonderful service & support of our outgoing Chairperson Mr Nick Hall for his 6 years of service to the SAC. Also Mrs Karen Kermode for her service as secretary to the SAC. Both Nick & Karen's advice will be greatly missed from the School Advisory Council in 2020.

At Tuesday's AGM we did not fill two of the parent vacancies, Chairperson & Secretary. Being a member of the SAC requires you to attend 4 meetings per year, one per term. If you would be willing to be nominated for one of these positions please contact Mrs Burton.


SAC Positions 2020

Chairperson - Vacant

Secretary - Vacant

Parent representatives - Mr Nick Jenkins

Staff representatives - Mrs Makeham & Mrs Healey

Ex Officio Members Monsignor Ted Wilkes, Mrs Burton

Co-opted Finance - Mrs Anthea Macpherson

Principals' Meeting

On Thursday and Friday this week I will be attending Term 4 Diocesan Principals’ Meeting. Over the two days the Director of Catholic Schools, Chris Smyth, will lead discussions around action learning initiatives, compliance and school governance.