Principal's report

Greetings Parents, Carers, Students and Community of Moonee Ponds West PS,

This week we are focusing on Meeting the Teacher Interviews where families can share their insights and expectations of their child/children with the teacher.  This is a move away from the more general Information Evenings we have had in the past.  Although the timeline for booking your time with the teacher was short, thank-you for managing this as over half of our families have booked a time online.   We will be seeking your feedback at the conclusion of this process.  Just in case you may have missed the information regarding how to book a time; this is done through COMPASS.   Lost your login?  This can be reset via the General Office. 


Compass is now the major communication tool of the school.  It is the way we keep you informed, send notifications, and have you communicate with the teachers and vice versa.  It may be useful here to restate the protocols of communicating through this medium.


  • Always respectful communication at all times
  • Email for teachers can be received between 8.30am-4.36pm each school day.
  • If you have a problem speak to someone at the school.  Unsure who is the right person?  Call the General Office and our friendly staff will direct you to the right person.

If we can all be solution focused when there is a problem then everyone wins. 

COMPASS can also be used to inform the school of student absences and to communicate early dismissals if required.  Remember learning continues right until the end of each day, so we want all students here until the end! Please ensure that appointments are outside of school time.

Student Acceptable Use Agreement

Now that students have more access to technology devices at all year levels, it is important that students and families know what Acceptable Use is and what is available on the devices for student use within their learning.  Your child will be bringing home an Acceptable Use Agreement document that is to be discussed, signed and returned.  The Agreement will then be placed in the Student File and updated each year.  The Agreement stipulates what is expected when students have access to a device (so the care of this and respectful carriage) what is expected around accessing the internet, social media and the use of photographs etc., and some of the APPS and programs (educational of course) that students will have access too.  All schools are required to have some sort of Agreement.

In 2019 all students in Years 5 and 6 will have 1:1 iPad access with some laptop availability; in the 3/4 we will have laptops, in 1/2 laptops and access to iPads and in the Foundation/One a class set of devices for support of literacy and numeracy mainly.

With the recent upgrade to the schools server and the installation of the Education Department software the infra-structure seems to be more stable than in the past.  In 2020 all National Testing will be done on a device.

The new Toilet Block

The new Toilet Block is taking shape with the steel being erected this week.  We have regular Site Meetings with the architect, site manager, project manager and two members of the school (Principal and Manager of Resources Sandra Monaghan).  Over the past week there has been some noise from the site which we are all monitoring. Alternative learning spaces are available to decant the effected classes should this be needed. I am liaising regularly with the relevant people.

When will the construction be finished I hear you ask?  The timeline seems to be on target and so the expected handover date will be the 23rd of April.

We are also taking the opportunity to upgrade the toilets in the Hall Building whilst this bigger project is being completed piggybacking on the existing construction.  Presently we are seeking costing through the approved process and we are using the funds accumulated from parent generosity in the Building Fund; our contributions at work! Every $ you give to the school goes to improving MPWPS and the learning environments and opportunities for your child.

The Basket Tea

As I am learning this is a regular get-together for our families and staff.  The idea is that families will bring along a Basket Tea or picnic or food in some form or other and enjoy this on the synthigrass area.  Using the school grounds after school hours was always a special time for my own children, and so I encourage you to dust off the picnic rug and set, and come along.   The school will offer some food (limited quantity) that you can purchase.  We have been very lucky to secure the music students from Buckley Park Secondary College to provide entertainment on the night. So hope to see you there on Friday February 22 from 5.30pm.

Camp Information Evenings

Have you got a child in year 3/4 or 5/6 this year, then they have a camp as part of their learning.   To provide important information about these events we are holding Camp Information Evenings.  The first evening is for the 3/4 Camp to be held late this term on 21st February.

The second Information Evening is for grades 5/6 and is on 26th February.  All Camp Information Evening will be in the Performance Space enter from Eglinton Street please.


The Camp Information Evening will share the style of camping experience expected, and receive the important paperwork essential in securing their child’s place.  Staff from the 3/4 team will also be able to share their experience of the camp.  Jarrod Sutton who leads the Senior School will facilitate the evening.  It will be held in the Performance Space and be from 7-8pm.


Well that’s about it from me.  Until we meet in person, have a great week in whatever you do.


Kerri Simpson

Principal (Acting at MPWPS)