Bonnes vacances and         假期愉快 jià qī yú kuài

From the Languages Domain

The Languages team offered a number of extra-curricular to students of French and Chinese in Term 4, and it was great to see so many students take part in these activities. 


Cooking at School

Students at the Bluff Road campus had the option to take part in a lunchtime cooking session. French was up first, with students cooking omelettes in the first session before the students studying Chinese made rice paper rolls in the second session. 

Visit from the Crepe Van

The Bluff Road Campus welcomed the crepe van from Crepes for Change, a non-profit social enterprise helping working to eliminate youth homelessness, on Thursday 10th November. Many excited students ordered a crepe throughout the day and many  students were bold and brave enough to order their crepe in French. Students from the Holloway Road campus were also invited across to visit the crepe van. All up 213 crepes were sold!


Victorian Young Leaders Program

Year 9 Chinese students had the exciting opportunity to take part in the Victorian Young Leaders Program, which aided to deepen students’ understanding of what it means to be a global citizen. Eight students from Sandringham College were selected to take part.


Throughout the three-day program, the students demonstrated leadership skills through taking part in various breakout room activities to communicate and work with peers from different Victorian schools and with students in China and Indonesia. This allowed students to build relationships with some Asian schools. Students discussed the different school systems around the world and worked together on solving local community issues. Additionally, the students shared Chinese food during lunch time for this event. 


Bonnes vacances and 假期愉快 jià qī yú kuài from the Languages team.