Leader of Pedagogy
PAT Maths and PAT Reading
Over the last two weeks, your children may have told you about the PAT assessments that they have been completing in class. These online tests are completed in unison with all other primary schools in the Armidale diocese. Our school last held the PAT Maths and PAT Reading assessments in June 2022. The data collected from the previous assessment will be collated with the results from these most recent assessments to measure student ability and growth. This information is valuable in guiding future teaching and learning experiences.
Rather than being a standard assessment with the same questions being given to every student based on year-level expectations, these tests are customised to individual student ability. There is a large range in what students are ready to learn and the rate at which they can learn at any given time. By having an assessment that adapts to students' ability levels, teachers are able to see what points children are at in their learning as they are given the opportunity to showcase what they know.
We look forward to analysing the data gained from the PAT Maths and PAT Reading assessments!