Principal's Report 

Greetings Families and Friends of MPWPS,

It is a year ago this week that we welcomed our students back onsite from the long stretch of Remote/Flexible learning.  Here we are again with all fingers and toes cross that Friday we will again see students return.  Our students and wonderfully supportive families seem to be managing the now familiar Remote Learning routines and getting learning completed.  We are focussing on revising the learning of the past weeks, enabling students to re-learn, revisit, and become more confident in the learning routine.  Well done to all concerned. As the Deputy Secretary of Education David Howes acknowledged parents, and school staff, have done an extraordinary job in preparing and delivering remote learning timetables and tasks in such a short period of time.

School Grounds Open

During the week and on the weekends our school grounds are remaining open for community use.  This time the lockdown has enabled playgrounds and school areas to be open.  Please remember if using the playground to sanitise in and out as an added precaution to us all. 

Working Bee

We are planning a whole of school Working Bee on August 1st so here is plenty of notice to put this date in your diary. The Environment Sub-Committee of School Council has called this date and the plan is to continue to develop Jack’s paddock as a planned but unplanned play space for the children. We do need help with loosening compacted soil prior to the day, and I think shovels and picks will be laughed at.  If you have access to a rotary hoe, or other mechanical equipment to do this work prior we would be very grateful. Of course, shovels and other gardening equipment will be welcomed on the day!  Kerri can be contacted on the school phone 9370 6875 or email

We will list the Working Bee as an event on Eventbrite, so we can know who will be onsite on the day. 

Mid Term Reporting

I hope that you have been viewing your child’s continuous report on COMPASS under the LEARNING tab.  Teachers have been making regular entries to demonstrate your child’s learning in Reading, Writing, Number and Inquiry.  Each term your child’s PROGRESSIVE REPORT is also entered.  The progressive report gives parents a report on your child’s behaviour and effort in class reflecting their completion of learning tasks and understanding the learning.  The scale or RUBRIC outlines to children the next point of growth.  This can be a very important and positive point for discussion.  Can I suggest that this week as you work remotely you have a look at the PROGRESSIVE REPORT rubric from last term and prompt the conversation, especially about what needs to be done to reach the next level. 

We will be speaking with our 

School Improvement Team

 members regarding the type of learning task that will be the third upload of learning evidence due in the coming weeks. Remote Learning may change our plans.  

Semester reports (at this stage)

 will be distributed this term, with the 

Three-Way Conferences

 early in Term 3.  Parents are reminded that Moonee Ponds West has a commitment of reporting learning growth to 

Bike Ed Course

It was wonderful to see so many children riding their bikes at school and even better to see the number of children who learnt to ride a bike during this short period of time.  Those who realised that they could ride, their smile lite up the whole face. Riding a bike is a life skill. Our school grounds on a weekend is a perfect place for children to learn to ride. Come on down one weekend. You don’t have to run behind too much!  Remember children when you are learning there are three things: keep peddling and look forward and reassure your parents that you will be fine!

Thankyou to Bree for managing the PE program to include Bike Ed, and to Declan from Ride2School who ran the sessions. 


Families Voluntary and Curriculum contributions for 2021   

As our first Semester concludes can I ask that these items be finalised as soon as is possible.  The contributions form an important part of our school budgetary process, and enable the rich programs that we offer.  We offer time payment to any families that require this method. Please speak to the General Office to activate this process.  At present our collection rate is at 45%. We set our School Budget on 85% collection.  We have a way to go!

Well, that’s about it from me.  I hope you have had a chance to make the Calming Glitter Jar at your home.  Glitter everywhere is a must when making this item!  Until we meet in person.



Kerri Simpson



This way and That 

A word Puzzle for you all


























The answers down and across are the same.

  1. Bridge
  2. Tube
  3. Summit
  4. Immediately following



A Winter Recipe 


Today at school we had a winter experience, Hot Milo and Cinnamon toast. 

Here is how to make Cinnamon toast (Hey Kids it’s a procedure!)

  1. Find two slices of bread
  2. Toast in the toaster (no hot object so you can do yourself)
  3. Spread with butter
  4. Now here is to good part:  mix equal parts of cinnamon and caster sugar in a small bowl) Or buy the prepared Mastercraft Cinnamon Sugar
  5. Sprinkle onto the hot juice toast.
  6. Cut in half and eat with warm milo!


It is a great thing you can make for your parent at any time!