Chev Need to Knows

A message from the Principal


Carnival Attendance 

It is disappointing to see that more than 200 students chose to absent themselves from the Athletics Carnival yesterday. This is on the back of the Swimming Carnival earlier this year when a similar number of students were absent from school that day.  


Besides it being an obligation as part of the enrolment contract, attending whole-school swimming and athletics carnivals at Chevalier College holds immense importance for students and their overall growth. These events not only promote physical fitness and active lifestyles but also foster a sense of school spirit, house spirit, and stronger relationships across year groups. By participating in these carnivals, students become part of a collective experience that encourages teamwork, sportsmanship, and a sense of belonging within the school community. Ultimately, these vibrant celebrations strengthen the school's fabric, nurturing a cohesive and supportive environment for all students. 


With the above in mind, I have asked our relevant staff to cross-check the names of students who were away for both carnivals this year. Further to that, I have asked for names of students who were either absent or late to school on the days when we have whole school liturgies. Once I have this information, I will work with senior leaders about how best to impress upon families the need for all students to attend these important whole-school, community events. 


Thankfully, we are talking about a minority of students who choose to withdraw their participation from events which contribute to the community spirit of this wonderful community. Therefore, I both commend and thank families who continue to support the expectations of the College for students to attend and engage in whole community events. 


Professional Learning for Senior and Middle Leaders 

All middle and senior leaders are currently undertaking ‘Coaching for Impact’; a course which will build their capacity to lead their teams through the power of coaching conversations. Coaching conversations can be described as intentionally managed conversations that employ active listening, skillful questioning and other coaching skills tempered with high levels of emotional intelligence, to raise awareness and encourage responsibility in the ‘coachee’. 


When any person is effectively ‘coached’ as they develop their skills and capabilities in their area of work, they develop greater self-awareness and knowledge of their strengths and identify areas for growth for their next stage of development. With regards to student learning, the clear aim is for middle and senior leaders to work with teachers so they continue to develop craft through well researched teaching strategies which positively impact learning growth for each student. 


Greg Miller




Learning and Teaching


Year 11 Reports

Year 11 Mid-Course reports will be available via the iGloo parent portal from Monday 29 May

Parent/teacher interviews will be held on Monday 24 July. Booking details will be sent closer to the date. 

In the meantime, if you have questions regarding your child’s progress, please contact the College via Your request will be forward to the teacher who will contact you directly. 


Year 10 exams

Year 10 students will be sitting exams from Tuesday 13 June until Thursday 15 June. The exam timetable has been shared with students and is included below for your information. 

            Tuesday 13 June             9.25am – 11.05am        English

                                                        12.05am – 1.40pm        Religious Education

            Wednesday 14 June       9.25am – 11.00am        Geography

                                                        12.05pm – 1.40pm        History

            Thursday 15 June           9.25am – 11.00am        Mathematics

                                                        12.05pm – 1.40pm       PDHPE 

Students will attend Period 5 as normal on exam days.


Rebecca Graham

Assistant Principal – Learning and Teaching


Extra Curriculum


Chevalier Sports BBQ – Volunteers required

Saturday 3 June is set to be one of our biggest home game rounds of the season so far! We are calling for parent volunteers to help run our BBQ on the day.

If you can help, please click on this link and select a timeslot that suits you.


ISA Soccer home games – officials wanted!

We are seeking soccer officials for our upcoming home games. We would love to hear from parents, siblings, grandparents, or friends who:

  • are accredited soccer referees, or
  • have a strong knowledge of the game, or
  • are willing to complete a short online referee’s course.

If you or someone you know can assist, please email, or call 0472 659 333. 


ISA Sport

ISA Round 5 is on this Saturday. Team fixtures and bus information can be found here. All buses will be leaving from the bus zone on Charlotte Street. All students should be dropped off in the JFC carpark.


Coach Phillips

Extra Curriculum Administrator




Do you have a child in Year 5? Applications for Year 7 2025 are due by 1 June. We are seeing a strong interest in this year group, and we don’t want our current families to miss out, so please submit your application without delay to secure your place. If you have any friends who are hoping to enrol their children in this same year group, please also let them know. 

If you have any questions, please contact the Enrolments Office on 4861 0524 or



Other matters


Mountain Bike Trails - Wingecarribee Shire Council survey

We have received an invitation from Wingecarribee Shire Council to complete a survey regarding mountain bike trails in the community. We are providing you with the link and the opportunity to have your say.


The survey aims to address concerns and better understand the needs and demands for increased MTB facilities within the Shire. The purpose of this survey is to develop a sustainable framework for future trail projects while safeguarding the ecological and heritage values of our bushland reserves. 


By participating in this survey, you will play a crucial role in shaping the future of mountain biking experiences in our Shire. To participate, please click on the link below.


If you have questions or require further information please contact Rhiannon Wright at the Council on 02 4868 0888.


Upcoming Events
  • Year 11 Biology Excursion – 30 May
  • Year 11 Retreat – 31 May – 2 June
  • GSSCC Cattle Team Excursion – 2 June 
  • Year 12 Agriculture Excursion – 6 June
  • King’s Birthday Public Holiday – 12 June
  • Year 12 Biology Excursion – 13 June 
  • Year 10 exams – 13 – 15 June
  • Year 11 Religious Education Excursion – 14 June
  • Year 9 iStem Excursion – 14 June
  • Sacred Heart Day – 16 June


Chev Need to Knows Archives

19 May 2023

12 May 2023

5 May 2023

28 April 2023

21 April 2023

6 April 2023

31 March 2023

24 March 2023

17 March 2023

10 March 2023

3 March 2023

24 February 2023

17 February 2023