International Students

International Students 2024

Art Olympia 2024 - Winners Announcement


The winners of the prestigious 'Art Olympia' art competition have been announced! The primary objective of the 'Art Olympia' Competition is to enable our community members to express their unique cultural narratives through art. We organize this competition to facilitate cultural exchange and foster mutual understanding between different cultures. 


In the 'Art Olympia 2024' visual arts category, the winners are: 

  • 1st Place: Nikta R. (Year 11) 
  • 2nd Place: Isabelle T. (Year 8) 
  • 3rd Place (tie): Chenyu L. (Year 8), Zhao Z. (Year 10), Parmis G. (Year 8), Ruby Y. (Year 10) 
  • Honourable Mentions: Claire S. (Year 9), Giorgio H. (year 12) 

The competition also recognized three Teacher Award recipients: 

  • Ms. Joyce Wong, Mr. Nalisha Kumarasinghe and Ms. Susan Hayward 

This year's competition attracted numerous entries, showcasing the global reach and diversity of the art world. Congratulations to all the winners of ART OLYMPIA 2024! Your creative brilliance has the power to bridge cultures and bring our global community closer together. 


The award ceremony date will be scheduled shortly, and we will notify the winners via email once the date is confirmed.


Thank you from 2024 International Student Forum Team...


The International Student Forum Team wants to convey their gratitude to DSC.

We would like to extend our sincere thanks to the teachers who participated in and supported this art competition. Special appreciation goes to our judges, Mr. Glaubitz, Miss Wong, and Mr. Tay, for selecting our final winners. We are also grateful to Ms. Huang for her leadership in guiding our team to successfully host the competition.


Finally, a big shout-out to all the participants who showcased the uniqueness and beauty of their own cultures through their wonderful artwork.


- Venus F., Giorgio H., Christy K., Becky L., Karl N. 

International Students Maths Mentoring Program

I am pleased to announce the launch of our International Students Maths Mentoring Program, which is led by two dedicated international students, Elly Te and Kyle Te, who are A-grade Maths students. They are highly motivated to share their knowledge and study techniques with their fellow international students.



Over the past two years, Elly and Kyle have received significant support and assistance at DSC. They are now eager to give back to the community by assisting students who face language barriers that hinder their ability to solve math problems.


The program will be held every Tuesday after school at the International Student Learning Hub. All international students are welcome to participate.




Reflection from Elly below.


The support I have gotten from the school, particularly from international teams, since my first day in Melbourne is what inspired me to start this program. I am grateful for their help, and I want to return it by providing other international students with the same level of help and support so they can succeed academically. 

- Elly T.

DSC International Student Program Partners with Neighbourhood Watch

With tremendous support from our Assistant Principal, Ms. Belinda McGee, the DSC International Student Program is excited to announce a new initiative in partnership with Neighbourhood Watch Manningham.


The rationale behind this project is that most of the crime prevention materials produced by Neighbourhood Watch to date are in printed form. While this format appeals to older community members, it does not generate much interest from teenagers. Therefore, we see a valuable opportunity for a project involving our students to explore innovative ways to effectively convey crime prevention messages to their teenage peers.


Geoff Kloot, a representative from Neighbourhood Watch Manningham, met with a group of international students during lunchtime on Tuesday, June 25 at International Student Learning Hub. The first 20 minutes of the session were dedicated to delivering the Neighbourhood Watch PowerPoint presentation on crime prevention. Following the presentation, Geoff engaged the students in a discussion about potential projects they could undertake with Neighbourhood Watch, specifically focusing on crime prevention and safety measures tailored for teenagers.



The students showed a strong interest in being part of this initiative. They not only asked insightful questions but also shared their thoughts and ideas on how to effectively contribute to this cause.


Please find the student reflections below:


As an international student, I want to be part of the Neighbourhood Watch Program as it offers a unique opportunity to engage with the local community and improve my understanding of the cultural and social fabric of my new environment. This participation also helps me feel more secure and integrated, reducing any feelings of isolation or unfamiliarity with the community.
Today, I learned about the importance of community collaboration in enhancing safety and security. The program teaches valuable skills such as crime prevention, emergency response, and effective communication with law enforcement, which I believe is especially beneficial for someone new to the country. 

- Venus F.


I joined the Neighbourhood Watch Program because it allows me to stay informed about safety regulations and trends in local crime, which directly impact my personal safety. This involvement also fosters a sense of belonging and connection within my new community. Furthermore, the program provides me with the opportunity to assist other international students in securing their homes, belongings, and personal safety by sharing crime prevention tips and safety techniques with them.
As this is a new concept for me, I am eager to collaborate with other international students to develop a project that will effectively disseminate crime prevention messages to a broader audience at DSC. By working together, we can create a safer and more inclusive environment for all students, enhancing our collective security and well-being. 

- Elly T.

Attendance Awards of Term 2

Congratulations to the following students who have Excellent attendance 100% in term 2 study. They have shown us the ability of being resilient and being responsible for their own study.


StudentYear level
Shengen (Samuel) A.7
Boxuan (Danny) W.7
Junyu (William) Y.7
Shuo (Kevin) Z.7
Yueting (William) J.8
Tsz Wai (Josephine) K.8
Shengyi (Esther) A.9
Yuhang (Harry) G.9
Lidanna (Diana) H.9
Ruisen L.9
Lan (Loran) L.9
Yixuan (Claire) S.9
Yizhu (Nikki) W.9
Emeli Hildigar (Emeli) P.10
Meyly (Elly) T.11


The International Student Voice Forum Anthem

The International Student Voice Forum team is involved in a new initiative: the creation of the Forum Anthem. This anthem will be sung and shared by all participating schools in Victoria for the 2024 International Student Voice Forum Presentation Day.


Here is their reflection on this initiative.


Why did you want to be part of The International Student Voice Forum Anthem creation?

Being part of the creation of The International Student Voice Forum Anthem was a unique opportunity to contribute to a project that unifies and empowers international students worldwide. The chance to collaborate with a diverse team and express collective experiences and aspirations through music was incredibly motivating. It was also a way to give back to the community and create something that could inspire and connect students from different cultures and backgrounds.


What inspired you to write the anthem and what is the anthem about/for?

The inspiration to write the anthem came from the shared experiences and challenges faced by international students. We wanted to create something that reflected our journey, resilience, and the sense of unity among us. The anthem is about celebrating diversity, fostering a sense of belonging, and encouraging international students to voice their stories and perspectives. It's a tribute to our struggles and triumphs, and a reminder that despite our different backgrounds, we are united in our pursuit of education and growth.


International Student Forum Team 2024 DSC:


Hong Yuet (Venus) FUNG


King Chee (Christy) KWAN

Qianhui (Becky) LI

Ka Long (Karl) NG



The Anthem for the Student Voice


(Opening Verse)

In the halls of learning, we stand as one,

Leadership ignites, the journey's begun.

With voices strong, we shape the way,

Guiding towards a brighter day.



Leadership soaring, voices unite,

Global learning, our beacon of light.

Students rising, empowered by choice,

In our hands, we raise our voice.


(Verse 2)

From every corner, culture, and creed,

Together we thrive, in unity we lead.

Learning knows no bounds, it's a global stage,

Wisdom shared, across every age.



Leadership soaring, voices unite,

Global learning, our beacon of light.

Students rising, empowered by choice,

In our hands, we raise our voice.



Together we stand, in the dawn of a new day,

Leadership, learning, our guiding array.

For the future we seek, with hope as our guide,

With student voice leading, side by side.


Happy Hour Project


The primary objective of the Happy Hour Project is to foster a sense of community among international students, providing them with an opportunity to unwind and socialize in a welcoming environment. By inviting friends and fellow students to participate in various games and activities, the project aimed to promote cross-cultural interaction and create lasting connections.


The project takes place at the International Learning Hub every Friday at lunchtime. The event is open to all international students, encouraging them to bring their friends to join in the games.


Several activities are organized to engage participants and foster interaction:


  1. Board Games: A diverse selection of board games was available to cater to various interests and preferences. This allowed participants to form small groups and enjoy friendly competition while getting to know each other.
  2. Cultural Exchange: A designated area was set up for students to share information about their home countries, cultures, and traditions. This facilitated cultural exchange and learning among attendees.



The Happy Hour project attracted a significant turnout, with a diverse mix of international students and their friends in attendance. Participants actively engaged in the various activities, filling the venue with laughter and friendly banter. Feedback from attendees was overwhelmingly positive, with many expressing appreciations for the opportunity to connect with peers from different cultural backgrounds. The event provided a platform for students to forge new friendships, learn from one another, and celebrate the rich diversity within our student community.



Please find participants' feedback below:


I played the mat checkers game during the Happy Hour Project with Becky. I thoroughly enjoyed it because it brought back a sense of nostalgia and was primarily about having fun rather than being serious. 

- Travis B.


Every Friday, I participate in the happy hour project at the international student learning hub. It is surely a great time for me. During happy hour, I always play Uno with my friend Diana and sometimes other international students. I believe that the happy hour project provides us with a great opportunity to play with our friends in other classes and to make new friends. 

- William Y.


Friday lunchtime, me and my best friend Peter came to the international student learning hub to play connect four during happy hour. It was a joyful experience as this was the first time I ever played connect four against him, I was able to relax and relieve some of the stress from studying. I would love to come here again to play and experience new games and to relive some more stress. 

- Kyle T.

The Dragon Boat Festival Celebration 2024


The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional Chinese holiday that occurs on the fifth day of the fifth month of the Chinese calendar. Dragon boat racing and eating Zongzi is a typical celebration activity. Zongzi is sticky rice stuffed with different fillings and wrapped in bamboo leaves. This year’s festival was on Monday June 10th.


With the support of DSC’s leadership team, all international students have received a small bag of Zongzi as part of the dragon boat festival celebration. The international students and their families asked me to pass on their deep appreciation for this caring gift, it certainly lifted their spirits and made life away from their home country much easier because they know our school cares about them.



This year, our program was further enriched by the assistance of two international student leaders, Venus Fung and Elly Te. They played a crucial role in unpacking and distributing Zongzi to their fellow international students.



Please find international students’ reflection below:


As an international leader, I have been entrusted with the responsibility of distributing "zongzi" to international students in celebration of the Dragon Boat Festival. This initiative is important because it fosters cultural exchange and understanding among students from different backgrounds. By sharing this traditional Chinese delicacy, we not only honour a significant cultural tradition but also create a sense of community and inclusivity. Distributing "zongzi" allows international students to experience and appreciate the rich heritage of the Dragon Boat Festival, making them feel welcomed and valued in our diverse academic environment. 

- Venus F.


Receiving rice dumplings from the school each year always fills me with happiness and gratitude. This year, I chose to participate in the planning and delivery process. I assisted by unpacking the rice dumplings and ensuring that each student received one. Being part of this cherished tradition, which has held significant meaning for me over the years, made the experience especially enjoyable and memorable. 

- Elly T.


I received a bag full of pork Zongzi (rice dumpling) from Ms Huang. I was very surprised and happy to receive the Zongzi because that means people are celebrating the traditional festival of my home country and I was never thought of that I can still celebrate dragon boat festival in Australia as I did in China. 

- William Y.


Our Director of International student program, Miss Huang, distributed a pack of pork Zongzi to each of international students when the Dragon Boat Festival was coming. I cannot eat pork because I am a Muslim. I didn’t expect that Miss Huang would considerately prepare vegetarian Zongzi for me. I am really touched. I really want to thank Ms Huang and our school! 

- Diana H.


Sally Huang

Director of International Student Program 

Doncaster Secondary College