From the Leadership Team

We would like to welcome our students back to term 2. We hope you all had a wonderful and relaxing break and are ready for a fun and busy term. 

School Hats

In accordance with our SunSmart policy, school hats are not required for term 2. Please keep them in a safe place until term 3. If your child/ren wishes to continue wearing their school hat, this is ok. 

Swimming & Aquatics - F-5 Students

Detailed information along with a consent form for our annual F-5 swimming and aquatics program was sent out to families via Edsmart at the end of Term 1. Please read the article contained in this newsletter for further information about the program which runs in weeks 4 and 5.


The safety and wellbeing of our students and staff are paramount. As such, we will continue to work closely with SA Health to ensure that all necessary health advice is closely followed, and all necessary precautions are taken to minimise the risk of further transmission within our community.


The protocols and procedures around COVID-19 are currently the same as in term 1. Please continue to notify us if your child has COVID-19 by filling in the form available on the Skoolbag app. We will continue to provide regular updates on positive COVID-19 cases in our school via Edsmart email. If your child develops symptoms such as a fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, runny nose, loss of smell/taste, muscle/joint pains, diarrhoea, nausea/vomiting or extreme tiredness, they should get tested and stay at home until they are well. 


If your child tests positive, you must inform our school immediately.


Staff and students who are positive for COVID-19 are required to stay at home for 5 days until acute symptoms have cleared and take steps to protect others. Siblings of confirmed positive cases are considered a close contact and should follow the advice from SA Health.

Mother's Day Stall

On Thursday of week 2, students will visit the Mother’s Day Stall to select from a wonderful range of useful and special gifts for their special carer or loved one. Prices range from $2.00 to $10.00 to cover all budgets. We hope you enjoy the precious gift chosen by your child/ren. Thank you to our Parents & Friends group for sourcing such fabulous gifts.


Please note that, students who are on camp Wednesday until Friday will attend the Mother's Day Stall on Tuesday. 

Overdue 2023 M&S Fees

If you haven’t paid your child’s Material and Services 2023 charges you need to do so immediately. The M&S fees were due to be paid in full by Friday 14 April (end of term 1).


Our debt collection procedures are now underway as per our school policy.


Information relating to all outstanding M&S Fees will be sent to the Auditor General’s Office which then engages the DfE Debt Recoveries Team to action and pursue the debt.


If you wish to pay your M&S Fees on Qkr! it is not too late. If you have any queries please don’t hesitate to contact our Finance team.


All current Payment Plan Agreements need to be finalised by Friday 29 September (end of term 3).


If you believe you are eligible for School Card 2023 please apply online as soon as possible and let us know you have done so to avoid debt recovery being contacted. Please be aware it takes many weeks for School Card Section to process your application.


School Photos

MSP Photography has advised that we can expect delivery of our school photos by week 4 of this term. They apologise for the delay. 

Starting Secondary School in 2024

Early next week, children in year 6 will be bringing home a Starting Secondary School in 2024 pack. At the end of week 2, parents/carers will receive an email with the unique URL for the registration of interest for secondary school form for your child. Please look out for this email from and be aware that it may be in your junk box and spam folders. The electronic form must be submitted by Friday 26 May.


If you have any queries please don’t hesitate to contact Deb Thompson:

Dental for Schools Program

We wish to thank parents and carers for the overwhelming response to the Dental for Schools program. We had over 200 registrations for the 2023 program which has now concluded.

Parent Portal - Mid-Year Reports 

It's time to update your link!

Our online reports via the Parent Portal for Greenwith Primary School have moved to a new server to improve performance and security. The link to the Parent Portal has also changed. For our new families this year, our reports are online. If you have used the Parent Portal in the past, you will need to update this in your saved links, as your previous link will no longer work.  


The new link for the Parent Portal is now:



If you experience difficulty in accessing your child's report via the Parent Portal, please contact the school to assist you, not the Reporting company. The school is the liaison between the Reporting company and families.