School Council

School Council Report
The first meeting of our 2023 School Council took place during the last week of Term 2.
We are extremely appreciative of the staff, students and parents who have put themselves forward to participate in School Council and look forward to continuing to work together to ensure improved outcomes for our students and ongoing support of our staff.
In 2023 we welcome the following new members, Karen Goodwin, Emma Clark, Omer (Student Rep), Nathan (Student Rep) and to Kakoli Rawat for her re-appointment to Council for an additional 2 year tenure.
We currently have 2 casual parent vacancies and would welcome hearing from anyone who would like to learn more about School Council membership.
School Council members have an opportunity for input to a wide variety of school governance including uniform, canteen and building projects.
Reports presented at each meeting include a Principals’ Report, Student Reports, Finance and Buildings & Grounds.
We generally meet once a month on Tuesday evenings from 5:30 – 7pm, except during school holiday periods when no meetings are held.
If you would like to learn more about how to be involved in our School Council please call Wayne Haworth or Andrea Philipsen on 8795 9400.
Luke Delutis
School Council President