Freeman House News

Freeman House
Here at Freeman House we are excited for the term to begin, especially with all the upcoming opportunities for students like the Whole School Athletics Carnival, Year 7 Camp and the Year 9 City Excursion. We encourage all students to get involved, as these are great opportunities to have new adventures, create great school memories, have new learning experiences and most of all have lots of fun. Speaking of the Athletics Carnival, which is on Monday 8th May, we really hope that Team Freeman brings home the goods for another major sports carnival. Freeman students were amazing in their house spirit at the School Swimming Carnival, being awarded overall Swimming Carnival Winners and we hope to see this shine again at Casey Fields for the Athletics. A reminder to wear your house colours, cheer for your peers and get involved in the day for house points.
Values Nominations
Since the start of the year, we have achieved, as a house, a total of 1,289 values nominations. This is a MASSIVE achievement and one, our Freeman students, should be proud of. Keep up the great work! The break down for the nominations are;
- Respect; 64 nominations
- Learning; 821 nominations
- Working Together; 344 nominations
- Leadership; 125 nominations
- Community; 35 nominations
A special mention to a few students for receiving the most nominations for their year level:
Year 7: Holly S. (12 nominations)
Year 8: Ivy N. (14 nominations)
Year 9: Neelab R. (14 nominations)
Year 10: Chandrima G. (14 nominations)
Year 11: Siopu Aso (10 nominations)
Year 12: Sanchika J. (13 nominations)
At the end of last term, we celebrated attendance in a House assembly and students were given letters of congratulations to take home to their caregivers. We are very proud of the students who have achieved above 95% attendance as well as everyone who has been returning their absence notices and those who have worked hard to improve their attendance. Well done to all students who received a letter. Keep up the good work!
Freeman Student of the Month
This Month we celebrate the achievements of Neelab Rezaee with Freeman Student of the Month. Neelab is a Peer Support Leader, who has shown outstanding leadership in this program. She has received an excellent Learning Habits Report to begin the year and is top of the table for number of values nominations for a Year 9 Freeman Student. Well done Neelab, we are proud of you.
Name: Neelab Rezaee
Favourite Subject: Medicine & Disease
Favourite Food: Afghan meat Dumplings
Favourite Style of Music: R&B & Pop
Hobbies: Watching movies & cooking
Movies you would recommend: Parasite & Ratatouille
Quote you live by: ‘Expect the Unexpected’ & “Time is your best currency’.
Who do you look up to and why? I look up to Selena Gomez because she has a such good heart and is successful not just in terms of status but also as a person. I also look up to Lize Dzjabrailova, a fellow YouTuber who gives young people like me amazing and inspirational advice on how to be confident and how to get out of your comfort zone.
What is a piece of advice you would give to other students?
You don’t need motivation, you need discipline. Learn to be Grateful for everything including the little things in life.