Sustainability Team Update

Shannon Sargeant.

Welcome to Term 2. We are excited to have two main activities happening this term.


1. Bottle Top Competition


The Sustainability Team is collecting plastic bottle tops to create a mural outside the Library.    Bottle tops will be collected in SELF and in the S-Hub every Thursday lunchtime. This year the competition is between houses (1st 20 points, 2nd 15 points, 3rd 10 points, 4th 5 points).  The artwork for the mural will be student designed. Stayed tuned to the Daily News for more information.


2.  Week 7 is Sustainability Week


This coincides with World Environment Day on the Monday and World Oceans Day on the Wednesday. The theme this year is Beat Plastic Pollution. There will be activities each day and all SELF classes will participate in a sustainability lesson.


As always if you are interested in joining the team, come to the S-Hub Thursday lunchtimes.