Curriculum News

Minimum Standards Tests
Minimum Standards have been introduced by NESA as a requirement for all students to complete to receive a Higher School Certificate credential. With this in mind, it is important that all students are informed of the process and provided with every opportunity to reach this standard.
All year 10 have been presented with the following information:
1. You need to meet the minimum standard to receive the Higher School Certificate.
To show you meet the standard you need to:
- pass the online reading test and
- pass the online writing test and
- pass the online numeracy test.
2. The Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) divides the standards into 4 levels.
Students must reach a minimum of level 3 to have the basic Reading, Writing and Numeracy skills needed for everyday life.
It includes skills for tasks such as:
- following safety instructions in equipment manuals
- understanding a mobile phone plan
- writing a job application
- creating a personal weekly budget.
3. Each test is 45 minutes in length
- The Reading Test involves 45 multiple choice questions
- Adaptive — meaning it tailors to a student's ability. Questions become harder or easier depending on whether a student is answering questions correctly or incorrectly.
- Marked electronically according to the achievement level descriptions
- The Numeracy Test involves 45 multiple choice questions
- Adaptive — meaning it tailors to student's ability. Questions become harder or easier depending on whether a student is answering questions correctly or incorrectly.
- Marked electronically according to the achievement level descriptions
- The Writing Test is based on a prompt
- One question based on a visual or text prompt with up to a 500 word-response
- Marked by trained markers according to the achievement level descriptions and the following, equally weighted, criteria: relevance of writing to the topic; structure and sequence of ideas and control of language
4. Students can sit the tests in:
- Year 10 (up to 4 attempts)
- Year 11 (up to 4 attempts)
- Year 12 (up to 6 attempts)
- You then have a further 3 years to pass the tests after the HSC
Once you have reached level 3 in any test, you DO NOT need to sit that test again.
5. All students, regardless of whether they have met the HSC minimum standard, can:
- Study HSC courses
- Sit HSC exams
- Receive HSC results
- Get an ATAR
- Receive the RoSA credential
6. All year 10 students will be provided with the opportunity to sit a practice test for each of the standards. These practice tests, followed by the actual tests, will be conducted on the following days:
Practise Tests (Hall):
- Monday 1st May
- HR / Period 1 Reading (25 mins) / Numeracy (25 mins)
- Monday 1st May
- Period 3 Writing
Minimum Standards Tests (Hall):
- Tuesday 2nd May
- Period 2 Reading
- Wednesday 3rd May
- Period 1 Numeracy
- Thursday 4th May
- Period 2 Writing
7. Any Year 11 or 12 student who has not sat any of the three tests or is yet to meet the standard in any of the three tests will also be required to attend on one or more of the test sessions on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday.
8. Students can prepare for these tests and obtain more information about them by visiting the following links:
- Students can follow the link on the NESA website:
- Select the link at the bottom of the page:
- Then select the links:
It is important that all Year 10 students are present on these days, as students will not be given another opportunity to complete these standards till Term 3. We will then continue to provide two opportunities each year for those students who were absent or have not yet met one or more of the standards.
Mr J Seers