Learning & Teaching

Mr Damien Herb

Congratulations to all staff, students and parents on successfully navigating Term 1 of our new School year!


The start to 2023 has been enriching, exciting and rewarding for all involved. The NAPLAN and Transition to Year 7 Testing is complete and Year 12 are now half way through their HSC Courses.


Staff have participated in four hours of Professional Learning Teams, engaging with our new TransFORMATIVE Learning Statement and will continue this in Term 2. We have also seen our new teaching and support staff settle into their new roles already becoming important parts of our Marian Community.


In addition to this, I wish to thank our new leaders of learning who have taken on additional roles this term. Mrs Angela Morris and Mrs Michelle Swan have done a fantastic job in taking over our Leader of Inclusive Education role, working collaboratively to assist staff and students in this area. Adding to this, Mrs Justine Parle has led our English team with confidence and expertise, fostering positive relationships with both staff and students. Finally, thanks to Mr Lee Summerville who has been undertaking the Leader of Administration Role on top of his current Leader of Digital Pedagogy Role over the last two weeks.


I also wish to thank all staff who are part of our amazing learning teams. We are Diocese leaders in this area, and I wish to congratulate members of the Gr8 Thinking, Literacy and GAP Teams for their wonderful work this term. In particular, I would like to note the members of these teams who have joined for the first time this year, and who have already demonstrated professional growth and leadership. Without your contributions to these teams, our College would not be leaders in pedagogy, results and student learning as we are today.


Over the holidays, these teams will continue to work to help develop professional learning sessions that our staff will engage in on our Staff Professional Learning Day on Monday April 24. Members of the Literacy Team will present 3 explicit vocabulary instructional strategies that staff can use in their own KLA areas to improve student language, while members of the Gr8 Thinking Team will lead staff in embedding specific critical thinking strategies in their lessons as well. These are two key focus areas that we identified for improvement after analysing staff and student feedback and data from external testing. I look forward to sharing the results, evidence and success from our Professional Learning Day with you all on our return next term.


Until then, I hope everyone has an enjoyable, safe and relaxing Easter and holiday break.


Yours in learning,


Damien Herb