Cultural Liaison/Pastoral Care

As the term ends, we had another wonderful class from Mr. Fry's class, 8.3 to help collect the recycling from around the school. These students worked cooperatively well in groups and learned that students within the schools need to separate rubbish from recycling, as it's time-consuming when sorting the recycling cages. By having our students participate in our school recycling on a regular basis by using a homeroom roster, each student is encouraged to learn about the importance of recycling.
I would like to thank Mr. Morris, Mr. Fry, and the following students for taking action in our recycling program at the end of Term 1 for MCC and the donations go towards Carevan.
Students from 8.3 - Mica Agresta, Miranda Aventi, Genevieve Bloomfield, Matthew Carnell, Emma Cunial, Sofia D'Aquino, Oliver Griffiths, Aden Gumbleton, William Johns, Hugh Lancaster, Chase O'Grady, Laura Salvestrin, Sierra Schirripa & Madeline Serafin.
Promoting Her Way 2680' Project
Griffith City Council is looking for our community’s feedback on safety in Griffith's public spaces. Each MCC student’s input is valued and will help GCC plan for better public space and amenities in the future.
If you could please fill out the survey in the link below;
( Safety in Public Spaces Griffith Survey ( )
Connect Youth 2680 Appointment and Youth Voice Opportunity
Griffith City Council has launched the exciting new ConnectYOUth2680 project to give local youth a stronger voice.
With the new initiative to connect the youth of Griffith now in the recruiting phase, we calling on young people aged 12 to 24 years to join an innovative committee referred to as Griffith’s Youth Advisory Group (YAG). All committee members will play pivotal roles in organising exciting events, workshops and projects while also receiving first-hand experience in youth work. Register your interest in joining the new ConnectYOUth2680 YAG here at .
To help determine what is needed and how young people aged 12 to 24 feel about Griffith, a survey has been launched: The data collected from this survey is critical for the successful implementation of the YAG’s projects, programmes & community workshops.
Youth Advisory Group First Event for Youth Week Festival
Project Officer Lara Rossetto has been actively developing the Youth Advisory Group at Griffith City Council. At their first meeting, the group actively consolidated their thoughts on a Youth Week Event being a little festival. This will be held later in the afternoon on the 21st April to cater for the older high school age group.
Lara is still actively looking for performers and stalls for the event. We are encouraging young people who have a little side Hussle to have a stall on the day. Any cultural stalls are also welcome.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Lara On 02 6962 8100 or email
Multicultural workshop - Have Your Say
On behalf of the Griffith Cultural Precinct Masterplan committee, we would like to hear from young people (and old) from our Koori, Pacifica, Indian and other cultures on how Griffith City Council can represent them in our cultural facilities (Art Gallery, Theatre, Library, Pioneer Park) and our public spaces.
We are particularly interested in hearing from musicians, singers, performers, artists, and storytellers. We want our facilities to meet the needs of all of our Griffith community now and into the future.
If you would like to know further information please contact Mrs. Lole by email; and your queries would be put forward to Jennis Ellis at the Griffith City Council.