
Edmund Rice Day - Friday, 5 May
Next Friday, 5 May is Edmund Rice Day: A Celebration of Our Tradition
- 8.40 Mass
- 9.45 Edmund Rice Year Group Activities
- 10.30 Junior School Cake Sale
- 11.10 India Fun Run
- 12.45 Edmund Rice Festival
- 2.30 End of Day
All Money raised will support Projects in India. Students are asked to:
- Wear TC Sports Uniform -$2 Donation.
- Bring Money to spend on the stalls
- Please donate $30 to the online store for the India FunRun.
- Collect Sponsorship: Forms Available from Campus Ministry
Fun Run for India
Every year we renew our commitment to providing food, shelter, health care and education for some of the poorest people of India. Our major fundraiser for this work is the India Fun Run.
All students participate in the Trinity College Fun Run for India and are expected to contribute to support projects in India.
Donations of $30 or more are requested. Students should collect sponsors for the Fun Run, so they contribute to this Fun Run through their efforts. Sponsorship Forms are available from Campus Ministry. All Money raised should then be paid through the online store.
Please make payment before or on the day of the Fun Run via the online store link: Fun Run For India – Trinity College
All Money raised goes to support people who are most in need through projects we have been advocating for over 30 years; MITHRA school and home for children with disabilities, JAGRUTI HIGH SCHOOL educating children from outcast tribal families, CHRISTIAN BROTHERS charitable work with the poor of Kolkata including specific outreach to homeless people in Kolkata train stations.
Thank you for your generosity in supporting India Fun Run 2023.
Year 11 Christian Service
In the last week of Term 1, all Year 11 students were on placement for four days, using their gifts and talents to serve people in the community. They were placed in Primary Schools, Special Education Schools, Aged Care Homes and Charity Shops.
On Thursday this week, staff enjoyed hearing about the boys' experiences as they reflected with their PCG group in the Encounter Retreat. Many boys went to Primary Schools where they helped assist in classrooms, on the sports field and in specialty areas, primarily working with students who needed extra help.
Rosalie Primary School
I have had the absolute pleasure of having Xavier Rawlings in my classroom this week, and I wanted to take this opportunity to convey how impressed I was with his behaviour. Throughout the four days, Xavier spent at Rosalie, he energetically but professionally joined in all classroom activities. Nothing was too much trouble, and each task was handled with politeness and good humour.
Xavier assisted students in Maths very ably and provided valuable input into their Science presentations. Xavier also volunteered to help in French, Art, and PE and regularly joined students on the court for an impromptu game of hoops. The students responded very well to Xavier, as he was calm and natural. Should he wish to, Xavier would make an excellent teacher. I wish him every success in the future.
Good Shepherd Primary School
This is a quick email to say we appreciate the boy's help this week. Maathavan Pirabananthan, Taatama Rere and Marcus Colonico have been great ambassadors for Trinity and would be welcome back at any time.
St Michael's Primary School Bassendean
I want to take this opportunity to commend Carter Robertson and Joe Sykes for their work at our school this week. Having two mature and professional young men join our community has been an absolute pleasure. As a Trinity Old Boy, I was proud to see these young men significantly represent Trinity. They have embraced their time here and have been an asset to our school. Their willingness to assist staff and children has been wonderful to see.
The teacher they spent most of their time with has been impressed by how helpful and polite they have been. They have also worked very hard with a young boy in that class with some behaviour issues, and they built an excellent relationship with him that I know has benefited the young boy. Those students who were helping in Aged Care Homes, interacting with elderly people enhanced residents' daily experiences. Here are some comments from these placements.
Aegis Bassendean
We want to thank you for sending three of your well-behaved and respectful students. The three boys, Stefan Zirojevic, Kato Pachioli and Oliver Coates, were a pleasure to host, and we welcome more back.
Rosewood, West Perth.
Ryan Murphy was exceptional in his punctuality, reliability and willingness to apply himself to whatever task was asked of him. It was great having him here.
Brightwater Inglewood.
Rhys De Celis and Kobe Browne were wonderful. The residents loved talking to them, especially the men. Rhys and Kobe were very polite, respectful and helpful, and ran bingo and card group sessions, helping residents where they could and pushing them in wheelchairs for garden walks. We hope Rhys and Kobe enjoyed their time here.
Aegis Sandstrom, Mt Lawley
Thank you so much for sending me those remarkable young men. Lachlan Brown, Blake and Taj Kulenovic are a credit to the school, but mostly they are a credit to themselves. The staff and residents loved them. They joined into everything. The therapy team gave them a severe workout and dragged them into everything, but their help towards today's resident BBQ was spectacular. They gave us a present which is a comforting thought. We would happily have more of your charming students who are a credit for the school.
Campus Ministry
Kairos #63 was another successful retreat experience for the 32 Year 12 Retreatants, 5 Year 12 student leaders and the seven staff who attended. These retreats cannot run without the generosity of our Year 12 and staff leaders, so I express my sincere thanks.
Year 11 Encounter Retreat
The Year 11 cohort was bussed and walked to their respective venues to participate in the Encounter Retreat. It was a wonderful way for the boys to reflect and unpack their Christian Service experiences. Thank you to all the retreatants for being open, honest, funny and willing to share their experiences. To the Retreat Leaders, PCG staff and Mr Clint Testa, thank you for giving up your time to make this a special retreat experience. Finally, I sincerely thank all families for supporting all our Retreat programmes.
Blessed Edmund Rice Mass
Next Friday, 5 May the College will celebrate the life of Blessed Edmund Rice.
We will commence with a whole College Mass in the Trinity Sports Centre. All parents/carers are very welcome. Please remember that all funds support our charity groups in India.
Friday Community Mass
Friday Community Masses will re-commence in Week 3. We hope to see all our regulars and some new faces too. Have a blessed and wonderful weekend!