Upcoming Events

Events Calendar
Tuesday, 2 May | Year 8 Grandparents' Morning Tea (PCGs 8.1-8.4) | Register |
Thursday, 4 May | Drama Production - The Plot, Like Gravy, Thickens | Purchase tickets |
Friday, 5 May | Drama Production - The Plot, Like Gravy, Thickens | Purchase tickets |
Auxiliary Long Lunch | SOLD OUT | |
Edmund Rice Day & India Fun Run | Donate | |
Tuesday, 9 May | Year 8 Grandparents' Morning Tea (PCGs 8.5-8.8) | Register |
Friday, 12 May | Junior School Mothers' Day Mass & Morning Tea | Register |
Friday, 26 May | TOBA Sportsmen's Lunch | Save the date |
Sunday, 28 May | Trinity Sunday Mass |
Junior School Mothers’ Day Mass and Morning Tea
In honour of Mothers’ Day, Junior School mums/female carers are invited to Mass on Friday, 12 May commencing at 8.40am, followed by morning tea. We look forward to welcoming guests to this special event.
The TC Auxiliary would greatly appreciate the assistance of Junior School dads/father figures to help serve morning tea. If you can help out, please email TC Events Coordinator, Miss Melanie Dunn, via events@trinity.wa.edu.au no later than Monday, 8 May.
Auxiliary Long Lunch
Tickets for the 2023 Auxiliary Long Lunch have sold out!
To be added to the waitlist for this event, please email TC Events Coordinator, Miss Melanie Dunn, via events@trinity.wa.edu.au.
Year 8 Grandparents’ Morning Tea
The annual Grandparents’ Morning Tea for Year 8 students will take place from next week. This is a special opportunity for grandparents to share the morning with their grandsons and the TC community.
Due to the large number of students in Year 8, this event will be split across two weeks, so that we can comfortably accommodate guests. Please ensure you register your son and his guest/s for the correct date per his PCG.
- PCGs 8.1 - 8.4: Tuesday, 2 May (8.45am – 10.45am)
- PCGs 8.5 - 8.8: Tuesday, 9 May (8.45am – 10.45am)
More detailed information about food contributions, schedules, and requests for volunteers has been provided directly to Year 8 families.
Parent volunteers are crucial for the successful running of this event – in particular, on-the-day. If you are able to volunteer your time, please email TC Events Coordinator Melanie Dunn at events@trinity.wa.edu.au to confirm your availability.