Mr. Carlyle's Message

Hi Families, 


Term 2 has started well with the Autumn leaves falling around us and the weather changing, it is a timely reminder for families to ensure that students are coming to school in appropriate warm uniform options.   Our Sun Smart policies wind back at this time of year and hats are no longer required for yard play. 


A quick reminder to families that our operating times here at school begin at 8:45am, since the weather has changed we have had a small number of students arriving at school quite early and entering the front foyer.  The school grounds and facilities are open to students from 8:45 onwards.

Working Bee

Our first working bee of the year will take place on Sunday the 18th of June from 9:30 am until noon.   We encourage as many families as possible to come and lend a hand and get to know a few new faces.   On the day there will be several projects undertaken depending on how many hands turn up in the morning.   Our school's front gardens will be getting stripped back, and some planting for our revegetation program with Landcare Victoria will be taking place around our boundary.    A BBQ will be supplied for all volunteers.  

Mothers day

Raffle tickets are due next Wednesday for the Mother's Day raffle.  The Mother's Day stall will take place next next Friday morning. 

Winter Interschool sports

Wednesday 17th May - Gr 5/6 AFL Winter Sports Ballarat

Thursday 25th May - Gr 5/6 Netball Winter Sports Ballarat

Thursday 1st June - Gr 5/6 Soccer Winter Sports Ballarat