Year 1

The Year 1 students have been busy during the first four weeks of Term 2. 

In English they learned about the jobs that words have and spent time exploring the school buildings and playground for signs with words, finding some that ‘inform’, others that ‘command’ and yet others that ‘describe’.  It was fun taking photos and drawing pictures of the signs that were found. They have also learnt to distinguish between factual and imaginative texts and the jobs both types of text have.

In Mathematics, hands-on activities have led to the discovery of a variety of attributes of shapes, with lots of patterns created. From attributes of shapes, students moved onto learning about the attributes of numbers, with lots of different justifications provided by them for the groups they formed. It has been very rewarding to see the children becoming more confident to express their reasoning. Time has also been spent on looking, once again, at combinations of numbers that make 10.