Assistant Principal

 Year 7 & 8

Mr. Joshua Simpson

I hope all students and families had a wonderful term break and have returned to begin term two with renewed enthusiasm. It has been a great start to term two with students settling in straight away and the school program up in full force. Congratulations to our year 7 students on completing their first full term of Secondary School. It has been a pleasure seeing the students grow and settle into day-to-day life at Lalor Secondary College. 


Progress reports were completed for students at the end of term 1. I strongly encourage student and parents to view and discuss the progress across all subjects for the start of 2023. These are available on compass under the ‘reports’ tab.

School photos have recently been completed. Thank you to all the students for being prepared for the photos days where required. Families that have purchased photos will be receiving them over the coming weeks. 


Year 10 immunisations will be occurring in week five of this term. Communication has been sent home with regards to the process. 

In 2023, Lalor Secondary College is implementing the Respectful Relationships initiative. Respectful Relationships initiative supports schools and early childhood settings to promote and model respect, positive attitudes and behaviours. It teaches our children how to build healthy relationships, resilience and confidence. This is achieved through a whole school approach that looks at implementing meaningful change across school in areas such as teaching and learning, school policy, leadership, school culture, professional learning and community engagement. There will be more information sharing as the year continues as we share our journey and successes. Watch this space!


Mr. Joshua Simpson 

Assistant Principal