General News

Please be advised that school uniforms are now available to purchase from St Michael's.
If you would like to pre-order the girls winter tunic, please contact the office. Orders will be placed shortly to ensure they are back for winter.
St Michael's Catholic Primary School - Advice Regarding New Payment Methods Available
Dear Parents & Carers,
St Michael's Catholic Primary School is currently transitioning to a new finance system. The change will include new ways in which you can make payments to the school, including Bpay, CompassPay and EFTPOS. Current direct debit options will still be available for a limited time. Our current school bank account will be closing and therefore we will be asking parents to make payments to the school via one of these new functionalities.
Soon you will receive your new Fee Statement and included on the Statement will be your new Bpay payment details. You can easily set up regular payments from your bank account to the new school Bpay account.
You can also make payments for School Fees and Events via the Compass App. Please contact the School if you require assistance with the App.
Our School now also has EFTPOS facilities available. This means you will be able to make payments or purchases over the counter at the School rather than relying on cash. Should you have any questions or require assistance please do not hesitate to contact the school on telephone 02 6785 1757 or visit the office.