Message from the Principal
Mrs Bronwyn Underwood
Message from the Principal
Mrs Bronwyn Underwood
Dear Parents and Carers,
Today we conclude our work for Term 1. Congratulations to all students and staff for their wonderful commitment to teaching and learning during the Term. We are very lucky to have many skilled adults to guide the students and our classrooms are vibrant learning spaces. In the past week, students have been working with staff to create their learning goals for Term 2, based on descriptive feedback received from teachers to date.
On Wednesday the children competed in the annual cross country event at the showground. We were blessed with a beautiful day and all children K-6 competed in the event. When we returned to school, the children hunted for Easter eggs in the playground, enjoyed a BBQ lunch with parents and carers and then proudly paraded their Easter hats. At the conclusion of the parade, the Toblerone chocolate raffle was drawn - congratulations to Rowan Eykamp in Kindergarten, winning the enormous block of chocolate, which I'm sure weighs more than him! Many thanks to all the people who supported our raffle, the proceeds of which will offset the cost of our Stage 3 trip to Sydney in August. The raffle raised $792.
Today, we celebrated the Easter season with our Easter Liturgy. Easter is the most important time on the Church calendar, as we remember the death and resurrection of Jesus. The children presented a wonderful Liturgy depicting the events of Holy Week. As always, Fr Curran was in attendance and was very supportive of the children. We are very lucky to enjoy such a close relationship with Fr Curran. Not all schools are so lucky.
Today we say a temporary farewell to River McCallum in Kindergarten. River is travelling north with her family for a period of time. We wish River and her family all the best and we look forward to her return.
Term 2 commences on Monday April 24. This is a Pupil Free Day. Staff will be working with some of the Curriculum Team from the Catholic Schools Office on the K-2 Mathematics Syllabus and the MaST program - the Diocesan Mathematics program that was introduced into our K-3 classrooms this year. We look forward to a wonderful representation of St Michael's students at the ANZAC march commencing at 10.45 a.m. on April 25. Children and staff will assemble adjacent to the Services Club at 10.30 a.m. in order to be ready on time. Children attending are to wear their summer uniform, including the school hat, with correct shoes and socks please. All shoes are to be plain black. The first day of lessons for the children will be Wednesday April 26. On Thursday April 27, we will be joining with our friends at Manilla Central School for the annual ANZAC Day service for schools. The service commences at 10.30 a.m. for parents and carers who wish to attend with St Michael's.
For those of you travelling over the Easter and holiday period, take care and stay safe. We wish everyone a happy and holy Easter season and we look forward to a fabulous Term 2.
Enjoy a restful Easter break.
Bronwyn Underwood