
Units 3 & 4 

Year 12

What is the subject about?

In Unit 3 and 4 Drama, students learn how to devise an ensemble and solo performance from given stimulus and guidelines as their starting point. They manipulate expressive and performance skills, the dramatic elements, conventions, performance styles, play-making techniques and production areas to meet their established aims and objectives. Students engage in regular reflection to analyse and evaluate their processes and the resulting product to consider how they extracted dramatic potential and developed their intended meaning. They will observe and analyse contemporary professional drama performances to facilitate their growth as performance makers. 






Unit 3: Devised Ensemble Performance

Unit 4: Devised Solo Performance





Skills you will develop

  • Performance and expressive skills
  • Play-making techniques and processes
  • Creative and critical thinking
  • Reflective analysis




  • Ensemble Performance - performance of final product
  • Interpretation Statement - Oral presentation
  • Process Analysis & Evaluation - written test
  • Solo Performance - Performance of developmental work-in-progress


Studying Drama can lead to the following careers:

  • Actor
  • Designer
  • Director
  • Producer
  • Stage Manager
  • Technician
  • Write


There are no prerequisites for entry into Unit 3


If you are interested in this subject please see Nicholas Mawson