VCE Vocational 


 Year 12

What is this pathway about?

The Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) Vocational Major (VM) is a vocational and applied learning program within the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE). The VCE VM will give students greater choice and flexibility to pursue their strengths and interests and develop the skills and capabilities needed to succeed in further education, work and life. It prepares students to move into apprenticeships, traineeships, further education and training, university (via non-ATAR pathways) or directly into the workforce.

The purpose of the VCE VM is to provide students with the best opportunity to achieve their personal goals and aspirations in a rapidly changing world by:

  • equipping them with the skills, knowledge, values and capabilities to be active and informed citizens, lifelong learners and confident and creative individuals; and
  • empowering them to make informed decisions about the next stages of their lives through real life workplace experiences.


Subject requirements - (See below for Subject overview)

  • Literacy Inquiry
  • Enterprise
  • Numeracy
  • Work Related Skills
  • VET or SBAT
  • SWL




Studying Vocational Major can lead to:

  • Full time employment 
  • Apprenticeships 
  • Traineeships 
  • Non-ATAR tertiary pathways

“VM is real life experiences and community….the staff have made it such a fun and open community” Jocelyn Tapp (left). 

“VM helps you to gain experience to more and more opportunities for different jobs.” Benji Buschmann (right)





1 Literacy Inquiry 


Literacy Inquiry is an integrated subject where students will develop key skills and knowledge from the VM Literacy and VM Personal Development Skills studies.  In this subject student will explore social and environmental issues through project-based learning.   


Students will learn how to apply literacy skills to understand and create texts in real life scenarios; and develop skills such as team work, leadership and communication to plan, implement and evaluate projects within the community. 





Skills you will develop

  • Ability to locate, read and understand the purpose, audience and context presented in a variety of real life texts
  • Create organisational, informational and procedural texts
  • Apply learnt social awareness and interpersonal skills when working independently and/or collaboratively in a real-life scenarios
  • Describe, analyse and demonstrate leadership qualities in real life scenarios
  • Describe, demonstrate and evaluate effective team work skills
  • Investigate and analyse issues significant to the community
  • Plan and implement a community project


  • Research tasks
  • Annotated summaries and photographs
  • Videos, podcasts and oral presentations
  • Written reports
  • Project Plan


2 Enterprise 


Enterprise will follow the Business Management study design. In this subject the students will develop their entrepreneurial and employability skills through project-based learning. Students will learn the basics of building a business idea and understanding the factors which affect the running of a business through practical application. Student voice and agency will drive learning as students plan, implement and evaluate their business. 


Business Management study design


Skills you will develop

  • Key industry terms and concepts 
  • Characteristics of enterprising individuals
  • Innovation and importance in industry competitiveness 
  • Problem solving 
  • Role of industry stakeholders


  • School based business activity 
  • Business research report 
  • Development of a business plan 
  • Participation journey
  • Presentation


3 Numeracy

VCE Vocational Major Numeracy focuses on enabling students to develop and enhance their numeracy skills to make sense of their personal, public and vocational lives. Students develop mathematical skills with consideration of their local, national and global environments and contexts, and an awareness and use of appropriate technologies. 



Skills you will develop

  • Mathematical requirements for personal organisation involving numbers, data, money, time and travel
  • Understanding government, political and social data, information and processes
  • Understanding financial transactions and making informed judgements and decisions regarding the use and management of money
  • Accessing, understanding and using mathematical information to make decisions and act in the interests of health, healthcare and well-being.
  • Using numeracy to undertake required tasks and activities in a workplace context
  • Understand, use and interpret recreational numeracy such as sports, arts, social media, gaming 


  • Investigations
  • Projects
  • Presentation
  • Portfolio


3 Work Related Skills

In this subject, students will learn how to maintain positive working relationships with colleagues and employers, understanding the characteristics of a positive workplace culture and its relationship to business success. They will investigate key areas relating to workplace relations including methods for determining pay and conditions, workplace bullying, workplace discrimination, workplace harassment and dispute resolution. Students will discover how teamwork and communication skills contribute to healthy, collegiate and productive workplaces.  Students will also develop and apply their knowledge and skills relating to portfolios, including the features and characteristics of a high-quality physical and/or digital portfolio.


Skills you will develop

  • Analyse and evaluate healthy workplace environments.
  • Outline the National Employment Standards and explain the characteristics and ramifications of workplace bullying, discrimination and sexual harassment.
  • Apply a variety of appropriate questioning and listening techniques within a workplace and understand how to develop networks, professional relationships and work effectively in diverse teams.
  • Analyse the limitations and advantages of the features and uses of physical and digital and/or hybrid portfolios
  • Communicate personal skills and attributes, evaluate evidence and analyse presentation skills


  • Portfolio presentation to panel audience
  • Role play
  • Presentations
  • Case study
  • Research task
  • Written Report


4 Certificate II in Public Safety


This subject is a Nationally Accredited Course that provides students with essential skills and knowledge to respond to safety incidents in the workplace and community.   Students will complete practical and theory based classes where they will learn to use equipment correctly and work collaboratively to restore order in emergency situations. 


Skills you will develop

  • Provide first aid
  • Participate in community safety activities
  • Respond to fires
  • Follow work health and safety procedures


  • Demonstration of practical skills and competency
  • Theory course work
  • Presentation


5 Structured Workplace Learning (SWL)



SWL involves on the job experience that enables students to relate theory to a real world work environment while developing their skills.  Students will keep a work place learning record and reflect on the skills developed through out their placement



Skills you will develop

  • Employability skills such as team work, leadership and problem solving
  • Job specific skills and competencies


  • Structured Workplace Learning Record
  • Structured Workplace Learning Log Book
  • Employer Feedback
  • Presentation

Vocational Education Training (VET) or 

School Based Apprenticeship or Traineeship (SBAT)

To complete the VCE VM program, students must enrol in a VET or SBAT. 

VET courses skill students in specific industry areas that directly relate to the requirements of a workplace. Students receive a Nationally Accredited Industry Based Certificate at Level II or III and a Statement of Attainment with all industry units listed. VET programs prepare students for their future working lives.




A school-based apprenticeship or traineeship (SBAT) is an apprenticeship or traineeship undertaken by a student enrolled in a senior secondary program.  Regular school attendance is combined with at least one timetabled day per week spent on the job or in training during the normal school week. An SBAT combines part-time, practical experience in the workplace with recognised, structured training from a Registered Training Organisation.


An SBAT requires an interview and application process.  Please see SBAT coordinator or VCE VM community leader for more information.


  • Demonstration of practical skills and competency
  • Theory Course Work

 Students undertaking SBAT