Mr Derryn Ling
Mr Derryn Ling
Year 6 Confirmation - Sunday April 30th - 10:00 am
This Sunday, our Grade 6 candidates will become full members of the Catholic Church as they receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. Today, Bishop Terry Curtin who will be confirming the candidates, came to visit our students. He discussed aspects such as the role of the sponsor and the choosing of a saint name.
The Grade 6 students have been going to the church each day this week in preparation for their Confirmation. Please note all candidates are required to be at the church by 9:40am for a group photo.
Year 4 Eucharist - Sunday 18th June - 10:00 am
Over the six weeks of Lent this year, the House Captains and their teams raised funds for Project Compassion. They presented at Assembly, stories of hope and resilience, encouraging the other students to care for our global neighbours and to help tackle the many challenges of poverty. Thank you to all students for this participation and support. The total raised this year was $236.05. Congratulations to Edwards/Mannix House who raised the most.
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