Mrs Caroline Galea 

Dear Parents

Welcome to Term 2.  I sincerely hope that you and your family had a wonderful break and your children are now ready to start Term 2.


A warm welcome to our new students and families who have joined our school community in the last few weeks.


This week as a nation, we commemorated ANZAC Day.  As a school, we gathered for our own commemoration with a small prayer service for those who had given up their lives so that ours could be better. 




I would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate Maria and Dean on the birth of baby Manny.  Manny was born late on Thursday 6th April.  Mum and baby are doing well.


This week our Year 6 students reach a milestone by receiving the Holy Spirit through the sacrament on Sunday.  Our students were privileged to meet with Bishop Terence Curtin this week prior to receiving the sacrament.  Please go to the Religion page for more information.


Uniform Change

As we begin to enter Winter (not that you could tell with the warm weather we had this week), we ask that all children switch over to their winter uniform. Please note that the summer dress with tights underneath is not part of the winter uniform.  All children should be in their correct  Winter Uniform by Monday 8th May. 

If your child has misplaced their school windcheater/jumper, please come in and check the lost property box.  This box seems to multiply each term. 


Thank You

A big thank you is extended to Anil Godara for thinking of us as his office was disposing of some office furniture, and then having it delivered. Our staff are feeling very comfortable in their lovely new office chairs. Thank you very much.



Canteen sales will begin on Thursday May 4th.   The School24 ordering system will go live the day prior - Wed 3 May.   The way to order hot lunches, which will only be on Thursdays until further notice, is through our school Schools24 app (see the instructions below). Over the counter lunch time sales will continue to occur on Tuesday and Friday. Thank you to the school leaders who assist with this each week.


Prep Finishing Time Term 2

Our Prep students have settled in really well to school life.  As Term 2 starts, please note that the Prep students will be dismissed on the second bell like the rest of the school. Therefore all children will be finishing at 3:30 pm.



Term Two Statements

Term 2 Fee statements were emailed to all families yesterday.  If you have any queries about your account, please see Leanne in the office or email Mrs Vivien Costa, Bursar



Mothers' Day Stall  &  Morning Tea

On Tuesday 9 May, we have our Mothers' Day Stall for the children to purchase a special gift or two for their Mother, Grandmother or special person.


The following day, Wednesday 10 May, we invite our Mothers to a morning tea which will be held upstairs from 8.30 to 9.30am.

Further details for both of these events will be provided to families in the next week.



Schoolpix School Photos

Our School Photo Day is rapidly approaching. Yesterday, all students received a personalised online order form from Schoolpix, so please check your child's bag.

Please note that orders can only be placed & paid for online.  

Do not send in any money or envelopes to the school.

You can also order sibling photos via the Schoolpix website.


Italian Day


Dear Parents/Cari Genitori,                                                     

As part of our Italian Program, we will be celebrating ‘Italian Day’   

this term, during Week 6, on Wednesday, 31st May. 


The whole school community is invited to come dressed on the day in  ‘Anything Italian’!  You could come dressed in Italian colours, with something as simple as wearing green, white and red ribbons/ clothes, or you could wear soccer gear or Ferrari gear or use your imagination to have some fun and come in anything that says ‘Italian’ to you! 

We will be celebrating ‘Italian Day’ with some fun whole school activities. We will have a parade in the morning at 9am and we warmly invite all parents and families to stay for this. 

During the middle block, we will be enjoying an interactive Italian incursion. This interactive performance will showcase some Italian cultural traditions, including music, singing and dancing. The incursion cost is already included in your excursion/incursion levy. 

Then, in the afternoon, in our House Colour groups, we will enjoy a variety of Italian activities, such as a Year 5/6 soccer tournament and an activity afternoon. 

One of the highlights of the day is our Italian lunch!  Our wonderful ‘Parents and Friends’ are going to delight our children by organising a Pizza and Gelato Food Day.  Look out for the order forms for this coming home soon for each student.  

We thank you so much P&F for your amazing help and ongoing support!

Look out for further details over the coming weeks in Seesaw.

Looking forward to our special ‘Italian Day’ celebrations!

Thank you! Grazie!   

Signora Bregu


Helpers Wanted 

We are seeking helpers to assist with distributing lunch on Italian day. If you have a couple of hours free from approximately 9:45-11:00 we would greatly appreciate your assistance. Please contact Leanne at the front office.


We are also seeking helpers for the Mothers' Day Stall which will be held on Tuesday 9 May from 9 to 11am.  Please leave your name with Leanne.

Please note:  to volunteer at school in any capacity, you must have a current Working with Children check.



Parent Class Representatives

Thank you to the parents who have volunteered to be a Class Rep.  We are looking for one rep per class.  In the past, some classes have had two reps and this has worked particularly well, so if you would like to partner up with another parent in your child's class, please do so.


So far, we have reps for :

Prep B    Antonietta Arceri

Prep K    Lauren Lombardi

1/2A       Liz Persichetti

1/2C       Still needing a rep

1/2F       Antoinette Lattouf

3/4B       Dena Sellick  &  Jackie Di Stefano

3/4L       Still needing a rep

3/4M     Still needing a rep

5/6C      Still needing a rep

5/6K      Still needing a rep

5/6Z      Still needing a rep


The Role of the Reps is as follows:



  • Acts as a contact point between the Parents & Friends and school
  • Feedback to P & F and School Staff on what parents are thinking and commenting on      
  • Act as a source of information for new families to the school
  • Acting as an extra line of communication between the teacher and parents, for example by passing on messages about school events
  • Organise social events for parents to get to know each other
  • Setting up and running a Facebook page where class parents can communicate

 If you are interested in taking on this role, please see/email Leanne in the office ( as soon as possible.


Assembly Roster

We welcome all parents and friends to join us each Monday from 2:30 for our assembly. Each week a different grade level will share and present their learnings.  Please see the roster below. 





Week Beginning (Mon) 


ASSEMBLY presented by:


24th April



1st May



8th May



15th May



22nd May



29th May

NO ASSEMBLY - GRADE 3-6 students away at NETBALL


5th June



12th June



19th June