Mission News

Mrs Anna Nasr

In our Prayers

We pray for any in our community suffering in seen and unseen ways.


We pray for the repose of the souls of:

  • Edward Cox (Old Boy 2015)
  • John O’Rourke (Grandfather of Danny O’Rourke and father to Old Boys Greg, Paul, Damian and Michael 
Mary, Our Good Mother, Pray for us.
St Marcellin Champagnat, Pray for us.
St Mary of the Cross Mackillop, Pray for us.
And may we always remember   To pray for one another 
May our loving God, with Mary and Champagnat, walk with all members of the Marist family. Amen


They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old.
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun, and in the morning
We will remember them.
We will remember them.
Lest we forget
We will remember them.
Lest we forget


Tomorrow is Anzac Day. This day is a solemn day for all Australians and New Zealanders. 

While the Anzac tradition was born on the beaches and slopes of Gallipoli in the Dardanelles during the campaign of 1915 – Anzac Day has become our National Day of Remembrance for all wars and conflicts that our nation has been involved in.


Anzac Day helps us recall that very deep sense we have as Australians that we can make something out of adversity and failure. And that making something out of what appears to be futile and dreadful and destructive lies at the heart of our belief in Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. 


We acknowledge that as we celebrate Anzac Day we are entering the third week of the Easter season. The whole message of Easter and indeed one of the enduring lessons of Anzac  is that death does not have the final say; there is a power greater than death, and that is the power of love.


Almighty ever-living God, in whose hand lies every human heart and the rights of all people, look with favour, we pray, on those who have given their lives and service for the freedom and prosperity of our nation, and the assurance of peace and freedom of religion. Grant, we pray, that inspired by the sacrifice and courage of those who have gone before us, we may work without ceasing to establish justice which alone ensures true and lasting peace. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.



Anzac Liturgy 

The College was delighted to welcome the Mt St Michael’s students to assist with our Anzac liturgy held today at the College. The voices added a united community spirit and a depth of meaning and reflection to our liturgy. Our thanks go to the Marist College Ashgrove and the Mt St Michael’s Music Departments for this invaluable contribution. 


We were honoured to welcome as our Guest Speaker Lieutenant Colonel J.D. Pollard. 


Lieutenant Colonel Jonathan Pollard Colonel Pollard joined the Australian Army in 1995, graduating from the Australian Defence Force Academy in 1997 and the Royal Military College – Duntroon in 1998. Upon graduation, he supported Army activities in the area of Geospatial Information Systems, which included land survey, satellite imagery and mapping. He later moved into construction engineering where he has supported many infrastructure Projects throughout Australia. Lieutenant Colonel Pollard has served on operations in Timor Leste and Afghanistan. He is currently the Commanding Officer and Chief Engineer for the 12th Chief Engineer Works Unit, which is undertaking Infrastructure Projects within Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands. 


Lieutenant Colonel Pollard has a son here at the College was an inspiring and reflective voice in our liturgy. 


Thank you to all the students who created the visually powerful poppies. The poppies remind us of those who have fallen in war and at the same time recall Jesus’ own death on the cross and the shedding of blood for some greater good. 


The Anzac Day March will leave from St Finbarr’s Catholic Primary School at 7:15am tomorrow 25 April. 

Game Changers

Game Changers is a comprehensive Catholic youth ministry program for students in Marist Schools from Years 7-12. It is designed to be an ongoing leadership and mentoring program for Marist students. 


It seeks to form Christian leaders by making Jesus Christ known and loved among them – the Mission of the Marist institute and of this College. 


It involves regular meetings; faith formation experiences and service opportunities and students are invited to become game changers through their participation in the group.

Game Changers is grounded in a series of tracks, each with their own stories, symbols and activities. 


Through their participation in each track, the students come to a deeper appreciation of what and who shapes our Christian identity and Marist spirituality.


Each track is led by a Mentor (member of staff). Each track lasts two years. 


Groups will meet regularly during Break times beginning Term 2. 


Years 7 and 8 Monday First break in Room 801 

Years 9 and 10 Wednesday First break in Room 801 

Years 11 and 12 Thursday First break in Room 801 


To register for Game Changers, or for more information, please email Mena McLean (mcleanm@marash.qld.edu.au) or come and visit anyone in the Mission Team area behind the Chapel.

College St Vincent de Paul Group

The College St Vincent de Paul Group met each Tuesday during break time and are back serving our community BBQ on Thursday mornings in the yard. Students are very welcome to join ‘Vinnies’, all they need to do is come to the Mission Office for a meeting to register interest.

Tuesday Morning Reconciliation

Students, parents, staff, and other members of the College community are welcome to participate in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Fr Tini is available every Tuesday morning in the College Chapel.


Wednesday Morning Community Mass 

Students, parents, staff, and other members of the College community are warmly invited to Mass on Wednesday mornings in the College Chapel (every week during term time). Mass commences at 8:00am.