Principal's Message

"Be The Best That You Can Be" 

Welcome Back! 

I would like to start by welcoming back our College Community for what promises to be another momentous year at Wheelers Hill Secondary College! I would particularly like to welcome those staff and students who are new to the College, including our new Year 7 students, who are making a positive transition from their respective primary schools. 


I would also like to welcome the following new staff members who have joined us in 2022:  

Jeremy Woods – Middle Sub School Leader 

Wendy Ning – Mathematics 

Donia Yao – Mathematics 

Mikayla Ellis – Drama 

Jo Pfitzner and Hayley Tait – Literacy Tutors 


Our theme for 2022 is ‘Growth and 

Connection’.  We believe that this theme relates strongly to the times where ‘Growth, not Grades’ is important to our students, alongside forging strong connections with others to support wellbeing across our College Community.  We have plans for 2022 to best support our theme of ‘Growth and Connection’. 


WHSC staff and students are to be commended for a successful start to the year, despite the uncertainty and ongoing challenges caused by the pandemic. It has been pleasing to see just how well students have settled into their learning this year. One of the highlights so far this term has been the re-introduction of co-curricular activities such as camps, which were not run last year due to COVID-19. Our Year 7 and Year 12 Camps were held earlier this term as well as our College Swimming Carnival, which proved to be very successful and from all accounts, was a fun day for all.  It is these key events and activities that our students have missed out on in recent times due to COVID-19. It is great to see them back on the calendar for 2022 and I cannot thank staff enough for how well they have prepared for classes and co-curricular activities heading into the start of 2022. 


Reports of positive COVID-19 cases at the

 College has been low and it is crucial that all students and staff continue to do a RAT test each Monday and Thursday morning before school.  Students and staff have been supplied with enough tests for the first four weeks of the school year and should have ample supply to continue with the testing regime. It is important that we continue to follow safety measures such as wearing face masks (indoors), exercising, good hygiene habits, and using well-ventilated learning and workspaces. These are all measures that are within our control and the College Community has been incredibly supportive of implementing and continuously keeping up with these measures. Thank you to all families and students for their support here.


Our Year 12 English results from 2021 were pleasing. We saw an impressive growth with respect to these results from the previous year and we are striving for even stronger results in 2022.  Well done to our teaching staff for working so well in partnership with students and families to achieve these impressive results. 


Previously, we have reported on our wonderful growth in our 2021 NAPLAN results and how best to prepare our students for NAPLAN Assessments in Term 2 this year. Programs such as our Independent Reading Program (IRP) and Common Factors Program (CFP) have been designed to further improve the Literacy and Numeracy levels of our students. We are looking forward to further growth in our NAPLAN data for 2022. 


Our College Open Night is to be held 

Thursday 7th April, commencing at 6:00pm. Our Open Night will be held on-site, allowing prospective families and their children to view our fantastic school. Open Night provides an opportunity to showcase the College’s many teaching and learning programs and facilities to the wider community. We are looking forward to meeting our future students and their families at Open Night.  


As always, Term One has so far been a busy term. At WHSC we prioritise wholistic learning. Our Teaching and Learning Program is designed to provide a stimulating and engaging education as well as experiences and opportunities beyond the classroom. Our staff are dedicated to providing the best experiences for our students, both inside and outside the classroom, and we will continue to do so in 2022.The wellbeing of our College Community remains a very important priority as we continue to grapple with the challenges of COVID-19. 


I am very much looking forward to the year ahead and I thank our families in advance for working with us and supporting the College in order to get the best outcomes we can for our students. Thank you everyone. 



Aaron Smith 

College Principal  

Wheelers Hill Secondary College