Principal's Address

Dear Parents/Carers,

As we journey through Lent, our focus includes supporting Project Compassion with this year’s theme being based around giving Lent 100% in the name of hope. The work of Caritas reminds us that living our faith through service is an important expression of all we believe, as expressed through the Project Compassion Prayer for 2019. We pray:

Creator God,

You are our constant hope!

In the season of Lent, you call us to prayer, fasting and love of those most marginalised.

As a community of faith and courage, let our gifts to Project Compassion

be symbols of hope and solidarity

with our one human family.

Accompany us as we journey with Jesus

to bring ‘good news’ to all creation and

ready our hearts to work for the

common good of all your people.

We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

A significant part of our Easter preparation is the College Easter Egg raffle to support the works of St Vincent de Paul. Thank you to our parents/carers who support the raffle so generously with donations and the purchase of tickets each year.


Faith and Wellbeing – Year Group Programs for 2019

At the heart of the College’s mission and purpose, is the holistic development and growth of every student. We recognise that in order support our students through their formative teenage years, a focus on the whole student is vital. Guided by the values, beliefs and practice of our faith, the College has developed and implemented year based faith formation programs which are run by our staff and external presenters.


Year 12 travelled to Warrambui last month for their Retreat and Year 7 students have already taken part in their Reflection Day. Year 8 will travel to Harrietville in early Term 3 for their annual camp program with its theme of “wherever you are I'll be there” and the Year 10 and Year 11 Reflections Days are taking place, over the rest of the year.

This year the Year 9 Reflection Day, which is traditionally delivered as separate boys’ and girls’ programs, has been expanded from one day into a five day experience. We are excited about this innovation and details are provided in this edition of the newsletter.


Year 7 2020 Interviews

Interest in places for Year 7 next year is very strong, with many current and new families attending the Open Night and subsequently booking an enrolment interview on line.

Enrolment interviews were held this week and we have enjoyed meeting new families and welcoming the siblings of our current Mater Dei students. The final interview afternoon/evening is scheduled for next Wednesday 27 March. Any families who are yet to submit an application and book an interview are encouraged to contact the Registrar Mrs Michelle Clarke urgently at the College as places for 2020 will be offered before the end of this term.


Staff News

I am on leave for the remainder of this term. During this time Mr Lawrence will be Acting Principal and Mrs Bright will be Acting Assistant Principal. Mr Fitzpatrick will also be on leave. Mr Shaun Ellis has been appointed as Acting Leader of Curriculum and Ms Bianca Fonte will be Acting Leader of Mission.


Statement from Archbishop Prowse

A letter from Archbishop Prowse was emailed home to parents/carers and this additional statement was provided to schools last week following the recent sentencing of Cardinal Pell.


Prayers Please

The Marian Centre has been open to allow a quiet place for staff and students to pray for the Christchurch and Muslim communities in the wake of last Friday's tragic terrorist attack.

At this time we ask God to bless our College community this Lenten season and keep our young people safe.

May St Patrick and St Joseph, whose respective Feast Days occur at this time, serve as models of courage and fidelity to us all.


Best wishes,

Mrs Val Thomas | Principal