A message from our Principal

Dear St. Brendan's School Community,
Our Professional Development on-line day with Andrea Hillbrick-Consultant, went extremely well. We spent the day revisiting our Learning Model used for Literacy and Maths.
Staff also looked at key understandings of the Reader's Notebook. This book is used for readers to reflect on their thinking and learning, and have opportunities to write about their reading.
It was a very productive day with lots of break out rooms and discussions. This is a whole school approach to improve reading, comprehension and writing and to fully engage students in these areas.
Ash Wednesday
It was lovely to be involved in the many Ash Wednesday Liturgies which were held by different Year levels.
The children were very respectful while the Ashes were given and discussed what Lent meant.
Thanks to Leanne Pellegrino for organising the Ashes from the Church.
Parents and Friends
Many thanks to our former Parents and Friends President, Belinda Riseley and Secretary Ronnyne Magill for all their work and organisation for events on behalf of the Parents and Friends.
We welcome Bianca Lane (President) and Jacklyn Lamb (Secretary) to the roles for 2022.
Please read the Parents and Friends section in today's Newsletter for upcoming events, Fundraising information and other important information.
The Parents and Friends Committee would like to welcome new people to come along. It is a fantastic way to help support the school, but also to meet new families.
After School Care - Expression of Interest
Little Stars Childcare and Kindergarten in Knight Street, Shepparton have advised us that they are able to offer After School Care for our St. Brendan's families.
For this service to be viable for them to go ahead, Little Stars require five or more Students to attend on a day to day basis.
Could you please email me at principal@sbshepparton.catholic.edu.au or call our School Office on 58 211926 to register your interest.
Thank you
Thank you to the Shepparton Central Rotary Club for their very kind donation of hand sanitiser. Much appreciated.
Yours sincerely,