Prayer & Acknowledgment

This year, Pope Francis invited everyone to make Wednesday, 2nd March,
Ash Wednesday, a Day of Fasting for Peace.
He’s asking believers to dedicate themselves intensively to prayer and fasting.
He also asks the Queen of Peace to preserve the world from the madness of war.
Jesus taught us that the diabolical senselessness of violence is answered with God's weapons, with prayer and fasting," the pope said
Keep In Your Prayers and Thoughts…
All our Priests, seminarians and deacons.
Friends or family who have passed away this year.
Our friends and family who are unwell at the moment.
All our families and students, in the midst of the ongoing pandemic and isolation time at home, keep them safe and healthy.
Our teachers as they guide our children during this pandemic.
“And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.”
Matthew 21:22
Acknowledgment of Country
St. Brendan's Primary School acknowledges and
pays respect to the Yorta Yorta Nation,
as the original ongoing custodians of
the land we meet on.
We commit ourselves to actively working alongside
Aboriginal people for reconciliation and justice.