Principal's Message

By Jenny Hassett

Curriculum Day Recap

Our staff had a very informative curriculum day on Tuesday looking at what makes an effective Professional Learning Communities (PLC). All of the Rollins staff discussed current structures and new ones to put in place to identify specific learning needs for our children, strategies to address them as a team, and then how to analyse the effectiveness our practices by using specific evidence sources. 

It was a great day of learning and one that has set our year up nicely in both a planning and professional culture sense.

Mrs Hassett on Long Service Leave

Mrs. Hassett is on some well earned long service leave until the end of next week (25/3).

We all wish her a restful break and look forward to her return to school on Monday, March 28th. 

Prep Enrolments and Tours

Enrolments for 2023 Preps have begun and there has been plenty of early interest. If you have a sibling of a current student needing enrolment next year then we ask that this is submitted as soon as possible to give us a clear indication of potential numbers and class sizes. If you know of anyone looking to enrol at Rollins also, then we have various tour times available or enrolment packs to pick up.

School Safety Measures

Please use the crossing on Ernest Street each morning and afternoon if walking to your car with your child. It is essential we, as adults, set a safe example to the youngest members of our school community. 

Another example to set is using the school gates on entry and exit from our school grounds. Please do not jump any areas of the school fence as this is a safety issue. Many thanks

Morning Drop Off Preps

REMINDER: As from Monday 21st March we ask all Prep parents to say their formal goodbyes on the undercover patio and not to enter the school buildings, thank you. 

2022 Parent Permissions-OVERDUE

REMINDER: Please be aware that your consent is required for various aspects of your child's schooling. These are annual permissions (e.g photos, local excursions etc) that we require for all children and are now available by logging onto Compass for each child. Unfortunately, many photos have been unable top be submitted to each newsletter this year due to no photo permission being granted for many children.

Mobile phones

REMINDER: All student mobile phones MUST be handed in at the office before school and collected at 3.30pm. They will be locked away in the safe. No child should be using a phone during school hours. If a child needs to make contact with a parent they can come to the office and we will organise a call.

Assembly link

Join us 3pm this Friday for our whole school assembly. Link below.