GOTCHA Champions
A GOTCHA is an acknowledgement of a student using our WHS school values.
The GOTCHA program is part of the School Wide Positive Behaviours System, which is used in Victoria. Staff will distribute GOTCHA points each day to our students when they ‘catch’ a student that they have observed meeting the school behaviour expectations in both the classrooms and playground environments.
Congratulations to our Champions for Week 1:
- Jeremy Bagley
- Taylor Ryan
- Amy Griffiths
Congratulations to our Champions for Week 2:
- Jasmine Harper
- Julian Cox
- Sophie McPhan
Congratulations to our Champions for Week 3:
- Leah Jory
- Lachlan Pensak
- Lachlan Barbour
Congratulations to our Champions for Week 4:
- Jordan Jackson
- Osten Hasson
- Harvey Moore
Congratulations to our Champions for Week 5:
- Max Marex
- Emma Jory
- Siara Vearing
Congratulations to our Champions for Week 6:
- Charisma Hinds
- Merrin Sessions
- Lucy Gardiner
Congratulations to our Champions for Week 7:
- William Sayers
- Roy Dunstan
- Krysta Harding- Collis
Congratulations to our Champions for Week 8:
- Lacy Solimo
- William Simpson
- Sienna Box Corsini
Congratulations to our Champions for Week 9:
- Miley Adamo
- Ollie Fox
- Connor Brown
Next week we will be having a whole school assembly for our Term Gotchas!