
Toby Huf  - 25 nights of reading

Archie Hill  - 25 nights of reading

Will Hamilton  - 25 nights of reading

Harrison Girdwood  - 25 nights of reading

Sybil Young  - 25 nights of reading

Koda Huang - 25 nights of reading

Edith Leese  - 25 nights of reading

Evie Longcor  - 25 nights of reading

Aria Hill  - 25 nights of reading

Billie Behncke  - 25 nights of reading


Max Luhrs  - for making a safe choice and putting the rake away from where people couldn't trip over it

Indi Keymer-Newley - being super helpful around school and thoughtful of others 

Jack Quinn - a terrific effort in his classroom learning

Ivy Luhrs Yr 2 -  for super maths work

Gwynn Nettleton Yr 4 - for working independently


School Captains Awards

Holly Lewis - for helping and happily participating in sports/events

Jack Quinn - for looking after the younger students and finding them games to play

Hughie Price - great sportsmanship