Year 2/4

This week in Year 2/4 children have been busy editing their Superhero narratives. They have been adding in more adjectives, description and punctuation to help make their work ‘sing’! Having handwritten their drafts we are now typing them out to be ready for publication.

Maths has focused on multiplication and ‘groups of’ in Year 2.  Year 4 had fun converting footy scores into points and comparing team results. A look at Area and Perimeter has seen the children create pictures using 1cm grid paper and then they had to calculate the 

Area and Perimeter.

Everyone enjoyed the visit from the CFA community officer Julie. We learnt about how fires begin and discovered that humans are the cause of most fires!

On Thursday we enjoyed a surprise visit from Miss P’s dog,  Archie. He had escaped during the thunderstorm and been picked up by the police! He might try to escape again if it means he gets to come to school because he always loves his time at Cavendish PS.