Upcoming events
SPS Cross Country Day - Thursday 27th April
- House Colours to be worn
- Parents welcome to support
Time | Grade / age event |
9:30 am | 3-6 Students make their way out to the oval |
9:40 am | 12 / 13 year old girls (3km) |
9:40 am | 12 / 13 year old boys (3km) |
10:00 am | 11 year old girls (3km) |
10:00 am | 11 year old boys (3km) |
10:20 am | 10 year old girls (2km) |
10:20 am | 10 year old girls (2km) |
11:00am | Recess |
11:35 am | All students (Foundation - 6) make their way out to the oval |
11:40 am | 9 year old girls (2km) |
11:40 am | 9 year old boys (2km) |
12:00 am | Grade 2 girls (1km) |
12.20 pm | Grade 2 boys (1km) |
12.25 pm | Grade 1 girls (1km) |
12:25 pm | Grade 1 boys (1km) |
12:45 pm | Prep girls (Oval) |
12:45 pm | Prep boys (Oval) |
1:05 pm | Available overtime if needed |
1:05 pm |
1:20 pm | Presentation of house winner on PA system/ Lunch Time |
Senior SummerLightning Premiership - Friday 28th April
Mothers Day Afternoon Tea - Friday 12th May 2.15pm
Prep Excursion to Coal Creek - Wednesday 17th May
History Visit to Coal Creek Korumburra - Wednesday 17th May
Dear Parents,
We are looking forward to a fun and educational experience at Coal Creek.
This cost includes a 30-minute Victorian style school lesson in the old schoolhouse. Students will use slates, pen and ink in this interactive session, which compares and contrasts life at school between now and the 1890’s. Students will be able to walk through the main street, explore the shops, the old pioneer houses, and tools. Students will get to look at the clothing, mine and transport that was available at the time.
Buses will depart school at 8.50am so please do not be late.
Could students please:
- Bring a rubbish free snack and lunch with a plastic water bottle in a small backpack. Students will be carrying their own backpack. Any rubbish brought along will be sent home with your child.
- Wear school uniform including a school jumper or jacket.
- Bring a raincoat and dress appropriately for cold weather including appropriate footwear for wet and slippery conditions.
- Hand in any medication needed on the day at the office by 8.40am.
- Normal school bags and home reader bags do not need to be sent to school on this day.
Please speak to your child to ensure they understand that they are expected to listen to the guides at Coal Creek, follow all rules and use their manners at all times as they are representing our school out in the community.
Students will return to school at 3pm and be dismissed at the normal time of 3.15pm.
Cost: $31
Payment and consent due by: Monday 8th May
We would love all students to attend this excursion so if you are having trouble making this payment please discuss with our office staff to arrange a payment plan.
Note: We will require 2 Parent helpers per class with a WWC check supplied to office. If you would like to come with us please contact your child’s teacher.
Thank you for your support.
Kristy Lund, Anne Goodman, Felicity Elliott and Ebony Gruar
Wakakirri is back for 2023!
We are so excited to share the news with you that our school will be participating in Wakakirri again this year! Wakakirri means 'story dance' and is a competition for schools across Australia.
Our performance will take place at Frankston Arts Centre, sometime in the week of the 15th to the 18th of August.At this stage, we do not have a specific performance date. If you are going to be away during this time, unfortunately, your child will not be able to participate.The cost is $75 to participate (both as a performer and as a back stage crew member), CSEF may be used to cover this fee. Sentral payment is preferred. Please note this a non-refundable payment, if you have any further queries regarding this, please refer to our parent payment and refund policy.
Please approve consent AND provide payment by Friday April 28. Unfortunately, no late payments can be accepted as we must pay our participation fee to Wakakirri. By consenting to this activity, you are agreeing to your child's involvement in Wakakirri and the associated costs, as well as consenting to their performance being filmed. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Jessica Emery- Performing Arts