1/2 Abigail Lupi

With Mrs Aweik & Mrs Hawchar

Term 1 has been a fun filled learning term for 1/2 Abigail Lupi with Mrs Aweik and Mrs Hawshar.  1/2A have worked together this term to develop and understand their classroom routines and expectations and have been effectively practising in reading rotations, sports and the new literacy unit called "Hello and welcome".

















D.E.A.R (drop everything and read) is an ongoing daily practise that we have going on in our classroom, usually after lunch.  Students sit back to back and read and look through illustrations individually.



Students have been enjoying their swimming lessons through swim scheme.  They are building onto their gross motor, physical and emotional development in a fun and interactive manner.  Swimming saves lives!



Learning centres are on every Monday and Friday.  Students learn through query based practise, where they work together to think, question, explore, communicate and reflect.  Each week the students will rotate and get the chance to explore being an author mathematician, artist, explore geography as well as science.