Year 4 Production
Maria Chadwick
Year 4 Production
Maria Chadwick
Year 4 Production, ‘Scaree Nights’ (by arrangement with RockEd Music):
Year 4 students are raising the roof with their song and dance routines, and you WON’T want to miss this show!
Tickets are selling well, so get yours soon!
Scan the QR Code on the poster you'll see around the school grounds or access the TryBooking link below.
Dates: Tuesday 4th & Wednesday 5th April, 2023
Start Time: 7pm (performers required from 6pm)
Finish Time: 7.50pm (approx.)
Venue: Phoenix Theatre, Elwood Secondary College, Glen Huntly Rd, Elwood
Tickets: $30 per seat + 50 cent fee per ticket – scan QR code on poster, or click here
We look forward to seeing you amongst the monsters galore!