Nominations - Parents

Notice of election and call out for nominations
We would like to put the call out to any interested parents in the JMSS community who would like to be part of our School Council.
Positions Available
There are 3 positions available for parents.
Why is parent membership so important?
Parents on school councils provide important viewpoints and have valuable skills that can help inform and shape the direction of the school. Those parents who become active on a school council find their involvement satisfying and may also find that their children feel a greater sense of belonging.
If you would like to nominate yourself or another person, please put forward your interest to JMSS by 4.00pm Tuesday 07 March, 2023
Following the closing of nominations a list of the nominations received will be posted at the school.
If the number of nominations is less than the number of vacancies, a notice to that effect and calling for further nominations will be posted in a prominent position at the school.
Nomination form
Self nomination form
Please include in your email a short paragraph about yourself (or your nominated person) describing their/ your background and interest in the school council.
For any further information, please contact Peter Corkill, Principal: