Integrated Science

Sustaining eco-systems

Diving into marine life

ON Monday, 27 March, the Year 11 Integrated Science students attended an excursion to the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD). Students were excited to link the knowledge of marine environments they have explored throughout the term to real life techniques used to sustain our ecosystems.


Macroinvertebrate sampling, marine biosecurity techniques and evaluating abalone catches offered students an opportunity to mimic techniques used by real marine science. This was followed by a smelly fish dissection and other activities focused on sustainability and adaptability of fish to survive in their environment.


After lunch, students completed activities in aquaculture. This included a tour of DPIRD’s aquaculture facility and discussions about the benefits and limitations of aquaculture as a farming technique. This method of farming attempts to meet the protein and food supply for the globe in a sustainable way.


Special thanks to Mr Jacob Aquino for driving the students to the excursion and for his assistance in the supervision of the activities.

Mrs S Eloff and Miss C Firth
