From the Principal

Getting to know Mr Kent
Over the next 4 Heralds, we hope to have a series of questions for Mr Kent from our students. This week we take the time to get to know a little bit about him personally.
Arna Duffus
Aged 5
Q: What games do you like to play?
A: Arna, thank you so much for your question “What games do I like to play?”
I think for me, I like to play active sports, things like cricket. I really enjoy that. But I actually grew up playing baseball and I was a catcher. I played for my university in Sydney, and that's probably the game that I've enjoyed the most. But I also love to play cards, and I enjoy board games such as Settlers of Catan and Stratego, which I play with my son.
William Bonser
Age 8
Q: How many countries have you lived in?
A: Well, let me give you a list, and hopefully you can all get your map out and you can think about where these places are.
So, I was born in Australia. The first place I lived overseas was the Netherlands, and then I came back to Australia, and then I lived in Colombia in South America, Cambodia in Southeast Asia, south Korea in North Asia, and Brazil in South America was the last country I lived overseas, and now I'm living in the wonderful country called Tasmania. No, that's not a country. That's a part of Australia.
Malachi Stagg
Age 10
Q: Of all the countries you have been to, which one was your favourite?
A: You know, Malachi, that's a really tough question for me to answer. I would say some of my favorite countries are Botswana, which is in Africa, and Namibia, which is also in Africa. Those two countries are next to each other. But I've also really enjoyed spending time in Turkey and Israel. And I would have to say that South Korea is one of my favorite countries. I'm really enjoying exploring Australia and learning to maybe very quickly have that as a one of my favorite countries as well.
Heidi Luck
Aged 13
Q: Who do you support in the AFL?
A: I support North Melbourne. I'm a Roo’s fan through and through, and I have been since the late 1970s. My grandfather was a North Melbourne supporter. Blue is my favorite color, and I know they play quite a few games down here in Tasmania. So North Melbourne have been my favorite team for a long time. I'm looking forward to watching them play again this weekend!
Donovan Peters
Age 14
Q: What’s your favourite Bible passage?
A: Donovan, my favorite Bible passage is probably the easiest question in all of these ones for me to answer. Joshua 1:9. Where God commands Joshua to be strong and courageous. For the Lord thy God is with him wherever he goes. Joshua is a real inspiration for me. He faced challenges, but he knew that with God by his side, he could achieve anything. Thanks for these questions.