Ms Brea Terris

Dear Families,


What a busy next few weeks coming up at SHNPS. Please keep an eye on socials and Sentral/Seesaw messages for events coming up. 



Next week our Year 3 and 5 students begin NAPLAN. 


The students will complete the tests on the following days:


Wednesday 15th March - Writing (Year 3 students complete this on paper)

Thursday 16th March - Reading

Friday 17th March - Conventions of Language

Monday 20th March - Numeracy


From Tuesday 21st March until Friday 24th March we have an opportunity to run catch up tests for students who may miss a test. 


Please don't hesitate to contact your child's teacher if you would like more information about NAPLAN.



Peter Walsh Visit

Today we were fortunate enough to have a visit from the Hon. Peter Walsh MP. 


Peter presented our School Leaders with a letter of congratulations on their leadership roles for 2023. 

Peter asked them some questions at assembly about their aspirations for the year. 

Well done to Ever, Lewis, Milla and Tlara on the great job they are doing as leaders in our school. 


Easter Raffle

Our Annual Easter Raffle happens with the generosity of our school community and we ask for a donation from our families, to make our hampers simply full of wonderful Easter goodies. 


Each family has recieved a book of raffle tickets. Please contact the office if you would like some more tickets to sell. 


Prizes will be drawn on Thursday 6th April at our final assembly. 


On Thursday 6th April we will also run an Easter Bonnet/Crazy Hair Day parade at assembly. We hope all students can join on this day. A gold coin donation will be collected and donated to the Royal Children's Hospital appeal. 


If you can donate Easter eggs or other Easter items, please drop them off in the office. Your support is greatly appreciated.


Harmony Day 

The Department of Home Affairs leads national celebrations for Harmony Week to recognise diversity and inclusion activities that take place during the entire week. 


Harmony Week is celebrated during the week (Monday to Sunday) that ​includes 21 March, which is the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.


Since 1999, more than 80,000 Harmony Week events have been held in childcare centres, schools, community groups, churches, businesses and federal, state and local government agencies across Australia.


Harmony Week is about inclusiveness, respect and belonging for all Australians, regardless of cultural or linguistic background, united by a set of core Australian values.


On Friday 17th March we are asking all staff and students to wear a touch of orange to recognise Harmony Day. 

Students still wear uniform, but can add a touch of orange including things such as an orange hair tie, pair of sunglasses, a bow tie, an orange wig etc. Be as creative as you like! Students will participate in a range of activities on the day. 



Just a reminder there is no school due to the Labour Day Public Holiday on Monday. We hope that you all enjoy the long weekend. 


Kind regards,


Brea Terris
