School Advisory Council

Meeting this week, Tuesday 28 March

This week the SAC will be joined by Ange Crowe, our Literacy Leader to share the Pedagogical Framework that we use to teach Literacy at St John's.

We will also begin to discuss our Maintenance Plan and Master Plan for the next 4 years and discover how we can work towards the goals listed in our School Improvement Plan.


Partner and Advise



Support Strategic Direction & Operations



Governance & Reports





School Improvement Plan 2022 - 2026

Based on the feedback from our School Review in 2022, we have created a new School Improvement Plan, which will help us priortise our goals and our actions over the next four years.

Our Strategic Intent is:

We aspire to create a dynamic learning environment, where Catholic faith permeates, active partnerships with St John’s community are developed and high quality teaching practices are provided, to improve student engagement, growth and positive learning outcomes.

Our Priorities are:

  1. Enrich our Catholic Identity
  2. Inspire and engage a community of learners
  3. Embed high quality teaching practice

Gratitude/Kudos Column 

I am grateful to the many parents who continue to support us on our various committees and in the classroom.


Special thanks to Peri Natoli for putting on her Cook Island dress and teaching all of our students her traditional dances on Harmony day.