Learning and Teaching

Extension Education 

At St John’s we provide an Extension Education program that is student centred, where strengths are identified and passions enabled, to ensure that learning is personalised. We provide flexible and fluid learning environments that allow opportunities for like-minded students to work together on creative and innovative learning experiences that extend beyond the classroom.

Next term, we will be beginning our Extension education withdrawal groups for 2023. Students will come together each week to work with like minded students on projects or investigations of their choosing. The selection process is now underway and you will be notified if your child has been selected to participate in these groups.  If you would like to nominate your child to be involved please speak to your child’s  teacher. The Extension groups will be facilitated by Ange Crowe and Mel Kerwin. 

Watch this space for updates of our progress…!

Ange Crowe

Learning Diversity


St John's Mitcham Pedagogical Framework for Mathematics


At St John's we use the Launch, Explore, Summarise pedagogy to teach a variety of maths skills and concepts to our students. This format is more conducive to creating problem-solving experiences that promote meaningful mathematics learning. It is extensively used by Professor Peter Sullivan, from Monash University.

It captures the intention of participating in mathematics: activating prior knowledge, engaging in mathematical thinking about a task, and extracting and summarizing the important mathematical concepts. 


Maths@Home is a great Math resource that parents and guardians can use with their children at home to promote deep mathematical thinking. There are a variety of activities for children of all ages and really reaffirms the skills that we are teaching, being critical thinkers and being able to describe their reasoning for various mathematical processes and strategies that they choose to solve equations and problems. 




If you would like any further assistance with engaging your children at home with mathematics, please feel free to contact me. 

Rhett Masters

Mathematics Leader rmasters@sjmitcham.catholic.edu.au

Performing Arts

The students will all be participating in the experience of the Stations of The Cross. The Year 5/6 students have been working hard in preparation for their performances during the Stations of the Cross Liturgy, which will be celebrated on Monday, 3 April. 

Could you please ensure that your child arrives at school by 8.40am to allow them enough time to change and set up in their spaces. 

All Parents and Families are welcome to come and participate in the Liturgy. Students will need to bring a black outfit to change into in the morning, these should be as plain as possible.  

We look forward to celebrating this special time in our liturgical year together.



Amanda Hill

Performing Arts Teacher 


Aboriginal Catholic Ministry, Victoria, has produced this set of Stations of the Cross as a set of Prayer Cards which is available for sale at $15.00 a set.
