
'In a world where you can be anything, be kind.'

Berry Street and Respectful Relationships

At Our Lady of Fatima we continue to build on our wellbeing programs. Our Respectful Relationships program and Berry Street model go hand in hand in building our school to be a place where children feel safe, valued and engaged, which in turn leads to learning. It has been great seeing the students each morning during the 'getting ready to learn' time which is important for a successful start to the learning day which includes greetings, announcements and a positive activity. Clear expectations and consistent, predictable routines supports our students' self regulation and leads to improved wellbeing.


All the classes have started the year implementing the Respectful Relationships education program. The Respectful Relationships resources and lessons supports schools to promote and model respect, positive attitudes and behaviours. It teaches our children how to build healthy relationships, resilience and confidence.


When children build positive relationships with their teachers and peers they feel safer and happier at school, are more resilient and have positive social attitudes. Positive relationships also increase a child’s sense of social connectedness and belonging which can result in better health and academic outcomes. 



Mrs Louise Davidge

HUB, Wellbeing & Diversity
