Mr Derryn Ling 




Join us on Thursday 6th April at 2:30pm for our Holy Week Liturgy Celebration. All welcome.



Year 6 Confirmation - Sunday April 30th - 10:00 am


If you have a child who would like a symbol or words printed on their stole for Confirmation please complete the Stole order form that will go home with your child. Trish Gangi is the person who you can contact (0419506342) if you have any questions. Samples of Confirmation symbols are near the office. Leave your form and payment with Leanne. Of course you may wish to independently decorate your stole. decorator/designer.

Orders need to be in to the school by Tuesday 4th April 2023.


Students will need to choose a saint name and sponsor for Confirmation. A reminder that a child’s sponsor may be of either gender; they must be 16 years of age and have received all of their sacraments.


Year 4 Eucharist - Sunday 18th June - 10:00 am




Parish Mobile Number

When contacting the parish please send a text message only to 0492 992 940.  

This mobile will not be used for phone conversation.  Messages will be answered in a timely manner. 


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