Student Awards & Birthdays

Principal Awards   


Prep Floyd -

Andie J                                                                                                                

Andie is fantastic role model to her classmates. She listens carefully, follows our classroom expectations and always uses her manners. Andie is a super helper and takes our School Value of being Responsible very seriously. Keep being awesome, Andie!
Prep Mortlock -                   Drake H C        Drake has worked extremely hard this week to model our School Value of Respect. He has been a kind and caring member of our class. He works well with others and is always looking after his class mates. Keep up the great work! 

Prep Vernon -

Hunter E

Hunter is an amazing helper with our class bins. Without being asked, he takes the bins outside during eating time and helps all of the Preps put their rubbish in the right bin. Thank you Hunter for helping us take great care of our school and classroom. You are showing a great example of our School Value of Responsibility and you really are just awesome!

1/2 Crawford - 

Victoria M

For being AWESOME! Victoria is always ready to learn and is highly engaged in the activities and subjects we're learning in class. She likes to share her knowledge and understanding and is always willing to complete her work to a high standard. Well done, Victoria!

1/2 Murphy - 

Klara A

Klara is friendly, cooperative and respectful to her classmates and teachers and I love how she is beginning to answer questions in class. Keep up the great work, Klara!

1/2 Patrao-Hurley - 

Isla C

Isla has made a wonderful start to Grade 1, trying her best in all areas of her learning. Isla is respectful and responsible, and always shows kindness to those around her.
1/2 Rodda/Brewer - Oskar BOskar has done a terrific job settling in well to school life at Spring Gully. It has been wonderful to watch him make lots of new friends. He is a respectful class member and always takes pride in his work. Keep up the great work, Oskar!
1/2 Todeschini/Arthur - Eloise MEloise has a positive attitude towards everything she approaches. She is a cooperative, responsible and resilient learner who always enters the classroom with a smile. Eloise, you are a superstar!
Arts Awards 
1/2 Rodda/Brewer - Jevan D                                  Jevan created a stunning portrait in Art using coloured pencils on black paper, and by drawing interesting facial features.
Prep Floyd - Estelle DEstelle created a stunning portrait in Art using coloured pencils on black paper, and by drawing interesting facial features.
Sports Awards 

5/6 Greer -

Jed K

For his outstanding performance at the Sandhurst Division Swimming Sports last week. Jed finished 3rd overall in the Boys 11 Years Backstroke. Well done, Jed.
5/6 McClellan - Charlie F                               For his awesome performance at the Sandhurst Division Swimming Sports last week. Charlie won his heat and was 3rd overall in the Boys 11 Years Breaststroke. Brilliant effort, Charlie!
Music Awards          
1/2 Todeschini/Arthur - Sophie BSophie always arrives at Music with a beaming smile and infectious enthusiasm. She has a fabulous singing voice and always tries her best in every activity. Thank you for always setting such a good example and keep being awesome!
1/2 Crawford - James PJames comes to Music every week with an awesome positive attitude and is always ready to give anything a try. He participates confidently in music activities and sets an excellent example. Keep up the fantastic work!
Auslan Awards 

5/6 Byron - 

Clare H                                                     

Clare is attentive during Auslan lessons and displays a clear understanding of the need for accuracy when signing in Auslan. She is a quiet achiever and is happy to demonstrate her knowledge in class.
5/6 McClellan - Alex RAlex demonstrates a great respect for others in Auslan classes. She listens attentively and strives to master new signs learned. She is pushing herself beyond expectations and is enjoying using different components of Auslan to sign more difficult sentences.
GuGu Value Award   -  Bronze Awards 
1/2 MurphyPenelope P-T
3/4 SchulzOrly F
3/4 Staley/AlexanderCailin S,  Pania H-P, Isaac B
5/6 GreerUrsula A, Remy K