From the Principal

The close of Term 1 marks the “End of an Era” for Dandenong High School, with the retirement of Alan Collier OAM from School Council. Alan has held the position of School Council President for over 20 years and demonstrated an extraordinary level of commitment to our community during that time. He and his family were invited to an official farewell presentation and afternoon tea, on Tuesday 4th April, where staff and local dignitaries acknowledged his years of service. Gabrielle Williams Member for Dandenong, Tip Kennedy Executive Area Director and former Principal Martin Culkin attended.
Our newly elected School council President, Rhonda Garad, read out a beautiful letter from the Mayor of Greater Dandenong, Cr Eden Foster, highlighting Alan’s volunteer work and the positive impact he has made in the local area for over 3 decades. It was a moving occasion for “the man of the moment” and his family. In his brief thank you, he spoke to the audience about his continued pride and commitment to our school and wished Rhonda and the new School Council well in the future.
In other news, Associate Principal Katie Watmough has recently been selected as Principal of Reservoir High School and will begin her appointment at the beginning of Term 2. On behalf of the Dandenong High School Community, I want to congratulate her on this tremendous achievement. Katie has been a staff member of our school for over 20 years and a leader in the Executive team for 11. She led the school as Acting Principal in Term 4, 2022, when I was on leave and demonstrated then her readiness for the Principalship. An outstanding educator who is passionately committed to ensuring all staff and students have the opportunity to learn, Katie will be missed. We are incredibly proud of her and her achievements and have no doubt she will lead her community well. I would like to thank her for her friendship, support and leadership, through both the good and challenging times and wish her every success.
Good luck to our STEM students who will be travelling to Gladstone in Queensland next week, to participate in the Hydrogen Australian Grand Prix. We hope you enjoy the experience and learn amazing things.
Finally, as we approach the Easter break, I would like to thank students, parents and staff for the positive way they have started the year. It was a smoother start than in recent years and I am looking forward to what next term will bring. I hope everyone enjoys their holidays as they are well deserved.
Happy Easter and Ramadan Mubarak to all our families. I wish those who will be celebrating Eid Al Fitr at the end of April, a wonderful festival and send my best wishes to everyone.
Susan Ogden