LRC News

Embracing Equity in the Library
On Wednesday 8th March, we celebrated International Women’s Day. It was our first Teen Library Advisor (TLA) Meeting and Event for 2023. Our special guest was Majeda Beatty, Murri Island Girl, who took us on an interactive journey into the Dreamtime and shared her perspectives on being an Indigenous millennial woman.
Majeda’s presence in the Library was a huge drawcard and soon the Library was packed. Like a big hug we all fell under her spell and for a moment time stood still. There were many volunteers willing to learn Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island dances. The rest of us clapped, sang and waved from our seats or from where we stood. We felt Majeda’s spirit surround and lift us up. She was the right amount of light and optimism to make our event a joyful and hopeful one. We all related to the stories she shared, as culture is so precious to each and every one of us. We found ourselves connecting meaningfully to the theme of the day which was ‘Embrace Equity’.
Congratulations to our TLA hosts Nesiiga and Farwa, also to Shokria for reading the Acknowledgement of Country, Tori for all of the amazing photos and Jay for helping with registering TLAs. Noora was the mastermind behind our gorgeous display with the purple and green butterfly girl symbolising feminism and our hope for a more gender equal future. It was a reminder that women’s rights were fought for by women. At the end of the event, many of us wrote a heartfelt message on a paper butterfly in support of embracing equity and with Jay’s help pinned it on the display. In our small way we were continuing the conversation for embracing equity and setting our hopes and wishes free on the wings of butterflies. Thank you to everyone who participated.
World Class Poets Celebrate in the Library
Harmony Day and World Poetry Day are global events that take place on 21st March each year. This year, we took the opportunity to celebrate doubly in the Library.
There was a lunchtime reading event to encourage all budding poets in our school. There were also wonderful displays of books and flags to enjoy in the Library, highlighting the unique peace and harmony of our rich diverse community.
The lunchtime session drew attention to our common humanity. We might come from many different cultures but through poetry, it is clear we share the same feelings and emotions as well as similar hopes and dreams.
The event commenced with a warm welcome from (TLA) Hosts Alia and Nesiiga. Our poets proceeded to impress and astonish us with their creative talents and insights into the human soul.
Our fabulous poets, reading all their own original work were: Ronan, Jay reading Ms Maree’s original poem, Tori, Shanjay, Krish, Abhi, Sabeera, Seega, Faaiz, Zohra, Rakkshan, Elma, Monika, Mr Collins, Xhevrije, Zohra, Naheda, Shokria and Sadia. Congratulations to them all for inspiring us with their talent and courageous hearts.
The event was well attended by staff and students who came to listen, frequently clicking their fingers to show appreciation when they enjoyed something that was spoken by our poets. Thus, our poets were cheered on and our hearts uplifted. All poets received a delicious chocolate prize at the end.
If you missed out on World Poetry Day, look out for the next Poetry Event in Term 2, date to be advised, when we will announce winners of our Poetry Competition. Also, if you want to enter the Library Poetry Competition you still have time till May 4th in Term 2. The topic is open. You can write in any style including slam and song lyrics. All year levels are welcome to enter. All we ask is that the poems are all your own work. Go here to enter.
Maria Papazoglou
Library Manager