Hakea House

Meet the Hakea Year 12 SRC!
Hi, I'm Milina J, Year 12 SRC of Hakea House 2023.
With the position I have been given by my fellow classmates, I am excited to be able to bring excitement to the House and build closer relationships with my peers and teachers with House activities, such as House movies, board games during lunch and games with our teachers.
This year, as a team of leaders, we are raising money from House activities like movies and selling snacks to the students, with the donations going towards the FoodBank and being distributed to the homeless in our community.
With the term coming to an end, I'd like to reflect on the school activities. We were able to have a friendly competition during the Swimming Carnival whilst representing each of our Houses. Mr Daffy continues to offer Study Club for all students across the school who would like extra time and support for their studies.
I wish you all a safe and fun two weeks off school.
Meet the Hakea House Leadership Team!